Al Shaabab Declares Intent of Genocide on Christians of Northeast Kenya

Al Shabaab Militants
Based primarily in Somalia, the Jihadist terrorist organization Al Shaabab has conducted a murderous campaign throughout East Africa.  Operating in Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Yemen, Al Shaabab is responsible for numerous terrorist attacks in the region.  In 2012, Al Shaabab pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda and ever since they have launched attacks targeting Christians, Sufi Muslims, and others that they believe to be opponents of the Wahhabist ideology that their terrorist organization embraces.  

For years, Al Shaabab has launched numerous attacks on Kenya's Christian populace.  In April of 2015, Four members of Al Shaabab attacked the Garissa University college in Kenya.  During the attack, the militants attacked dorm rooms and demanded at gun point that the residents tell them if they're Christian or Muslim.  Those who identified as Christian were shot, and those who tried to pass off as Muslim were demanded to recite the Qur'an or the Shahada (The Islamic statement of faith).  Those who failed to do so were also shot.  The attacked claimed the lives of 147 Christians.  A similar attack by Al Shaabab on a shopping mall in Nairobi in September of 2013 claimed 67 lives.  Unfortunately, these attacks show no signs of stopping, if anything, they're increasing and could possible reach genocidal levels.  

In March of 2020, Al Shaabab issued an ultimatum demanding that Christians leave the Northeastern Region of Kenya.  The militants insist that "there is no place for unbelievers" in the region and want all the Christians out so that Muslim teachers, engineers, doctors, and other professionals can come in and take over the positions that are currently held by Christians.  Al Shaabab has worked for years to make their genocidal plan into a reality.  In the town of Mandera, which is on the border of Somalia, Al Shabaab has launched ongoing attacks on buses, quarries, and other areas of town, often separating the Christians from the Muslims and killing them.  Recently, Al Shabaab militants launched yet another bus attack on Dec. 06, 2019 in Kenya's border region with Somalia.  The militants identified eleven Christians on the bus, they were pulled off and shot.  In March of 2020, Al Shabaab militants launched another attack, killing two Christians and abducting a third.  

Christians Protest Al Shabaab Attacks and Continue to Bury the Victims

Al Shabaab has not only targeted Christians in Kenya, they also target Christian Somalis, many of whom converted from Islam and fled to Kenya to escape Al Shabaab and other Jihadist forces in Somalia.  Unfortunately, even those who manage to get to a refugee camp in Kenya remain in grave danger.  Somali converts to Christianity may be recognized by other Somali refugees who often denounce them to Al Shabaab and other militant groups.  In Jan. 2019 Somali radicals recognized a 41-year-old Somali refugee leaving church.  They soon learned that she was a convert, so one night four of them invaded her home and gang-raped her.  However, her rapists decided not to kill her as they decided it would be wrong to orphan her children (Link to Video).  If the actions of Al Shabaab and their supporters continue to go on unchecked, it's very much possible that the fate of the Christian population of Northeastern Kenya will become the same as that of Northern Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, and the Sinai.  


"Al Shabaab 'Kills Christians" in Kenya's Mandera Town.  BBC News.  Oct. 06, 2016.  Accessed from

Ellis, Christian.  "Ex-Muslim Mom Beaten, Raped, Threatened with Death for Converting to Christianity."  CBN News.  Feb. 19, 2019.  Accessed from

Kumar, Anugrah.  "Al-Shabaab Warns All Christians to Leave Northeastern Kenya."  The Christian Post.  March 02, 2020.  Accessed from

Kumar, Anugrah.  "Two Christians Killed, One Abducted by Al Shabaab in Kenya.  March 15, 2020.  Accessed from

Nzwilli, Fredrick.  "Al Shabaab Singles Out 11 To Kill in Bus Attack in Northern Kenya; Raises Fear for Christians."  World Watch Monitor.  Dec. 12, 2019.  Accessed from

Otaki, Dennis.  "Kenya's Westgate Attack.  Unanswered Questions One Year On."  BBC News.  September 22, 2014.  Accessed from

Svanidze, Tamar.  "Al Shabaab Tells Christians to Leave Northeastern Kenya."  New Europe.  March 04, 2020.  Accessed from


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