Guerrilla Evangelist

At the age of 14, Sara Gómez left her painful  home life behind and sought to join something  bigger than herself.  Her father, who has  sexually abused her for years had recently  passed away, and like many young  Colombians, Sara sought to acceptance and  belonging.  Like many such vulnerable youth,  Sara joined the Revolutionary Armed Forces  of Columbia (FARC).  For many years,  communist FARC rebels have battled the  Colombian government, seeking to take over  and establish a communist regime.  FARC is  also notorious for engaging in the drug trade  to support their war and for targeting Christians throughout the region.  

For years, Sara served as a medic and though not a Christian, she felt sympathy for the innocent Christians who were being targeted in the crossfire of this ongoing war.  After serving FARC for over four years, Sarah learned that some of her relatives had become Christians.  Upon hearing this, FARC rebel leaders ordered Sarah to denounce her family and the Christian Gospel, knowing that the Gospel teachings did not line up with their violent ideology.  Sara refused to do so and left FARC, eventually marrying and having a son.  At the age of 23, Sara herself put her faith in Christ and became a Christian.  Sara, now in her mid 30's, has four children with her husband, Antonio, and feels a special calling to share the Good News of Jesus with all people, especially FARC guerrillas.  Sara feels that because God saved her from a violent life in FARC, that she feels a special obligation to help other FARC rebels escape the violence and hatred of FARC and instead turn to God.  

Sara's actions have brought the fury of FARC down upon her.  In 2018, FARC guerrilla's confronted Antonio in the street an ordered his family to stop their efforts or they'd kidnap their eldest daughter and force her to join their ranks.  In 2019, the Voice of the Martyrs helped Sara and her family relocate to a safer village so they could continue their missionary work there.  Sara's actions have helped other troubled youth avoid turning to FARC and instead turning to God.  Despite the ever present danger, Sara and Antonio know that "God has their back."  Neither one can think of a more fulfilling life, stating "If you aren't doing anything for God, then you aren't doing anything."  

Voice of the Martyrs has not only helped Sara in her ministry work, but they supplied her with a machine to help make arepas (a corn-based cake) so she can sell them and support herself and her family.  Let us pray for Sara's safety, and that her efforts continue to help inspire Colombians to turn from FARC, and turn to God.  


"Guerrilla Evangelist."  The Voice of the Martyrs.  June 2020.  


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