ISIS Kills Afghan Women's Rights Activist

Female TV Presenter & Women's Rights Activist Malalai Maiwand was murdered along with her driver in the streets of Jalalabad (Link to Video).  ISIS has claimed responsibility for her death.  Malalai Maiwant, who was 25-years-old, was not the only one in her family to be targeted by terrorists.  Five years earlier, her mother was murdered by the Taliban for advocating for women's education.

Three years earlier, when I visited members of the Christian Community in the Punjab District of Pakistan, I spoke to them about the famous Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai who was shot in the head by the Taliban for advocating for women's rights.  The Christians told me that they consider Malala to be a hero, but they also told me that the sad truth is that there are thousands of Malala's out there who have not had their stories told.  This is living proof that they are telling the truth, and this ongoing travesty cannot be ignored.  Too many Western Feminists obsess over things that are unimportant and miniscule while ignoring actual threats to the lives of prosperity of women all over the world, and this needs to change.  

Our missionary work involves supporting a school for poor Pakistani children, regardless of their faith.  Like Malala Yousafzai, Malalai Maiwand, and Malalai's mother, we firmly believe in the right for all children to be educated.  If you are interested in supporting our efforts to provide a free education for the poor, please support our efforts by donating to our online fundraiser (Link to Fundraiser), or you can send a tax-deductible donation to Express Missions International (Link to Express Missions).  When donating to Express Missions, please note on your donation that you'd like it to go to the A&R Bridge of Grace School.  This well, your donation will go directly to our school. 


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