Pakistan Demands Western Leaders Adopt Sharia Blasphemy Laws

In the wake of the arrest and jailing of two innocent Christian women on the charge "blasphemy," Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has not only failed to take any action to abolish these unjust laws in his country, he is now demanding that Western nations adopt them. Prime Minister Khan stated that "free speech" should not include "blaspheming Muhammad" in anyway. To defend his position, Prime Minister Khan stated that the West understand that questioning the Holocaust hurts Jewish sentiments of the Jewish community, and they should treat the issue of "insulting Muhammad" in the same manner. Prime Minister Imran Khan issued this demand following intense pressure from Pakistan's Tehreek-e-Labbaik Party (TLP). The TLP has long supported Pakistan's Blasphemy Laws. They not only advocated for the execution of Asia Bibi, a Christian mother who spent 8 years on death row due to a blasphemy conviction, but the also called for the death of ...