Palestinian Jihadists Attack Home of Mufti Abu Layth

Video of Attack on Layth's Home
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a very divisive issue that has aroused passions all over the world.  However, in many cases, these passions are going way too far.  During the recent conflict we have seen a rise in Anti-Semitic attacks all over the world with radical Palestinian supporters attacking and beating Jews in the streets of America & Europe while Islamist leaders openly calling for Israel's annihilation.  However, they are not stopping with this.  In a shocking video, radical Pro-Palestinian Jihadists are seen attacking the home of Mufti Abu Layth's in Birmingham, England, simply because Abu Layth did not agree with their radical agenda.  

Mufti Abu Layth identifies himself as a "Progressive Muslim," who wishes for the Islamic faith to be brought into the modern day and openly criticizes other Islamic theologians who he feels are "stuck in the 7th century."  Abu Layth has openly criticized more radical Islamic preachers like Muhammad Hijab & Sheikh Yasir Qahdi as well as voicing opposition to many of the views held by the more radical Salafi sect of Sunni Islam.  In a video that Abu Layth posted about the recent flare up of violence between Israel and Hamas, Abu Layth makes it very clear that he does not approve of Israel's actions and believes that they are guilty of war crimes against the Palestinians.  However, he also states that he does not agree with Arab powers "guilting' the Palestinians into continuing to fight an ongoing war against Israel when in truth, the war has already been lost.  Abu stated that he believes that it is time for Muslims to accept the fact that Israel is here to stay and that fighting over buildings made of brick is foolishness.  Muslims should instead be fighting for the sanctity of human life, stating that Allah views human life as being much more important than buildings constructed of brick in a certain area of the world.  Abu Layth further stated that and effort should be considered to move Palestinians identified as "refugees" out of the region and help settle them in other Arab nations.  On a personal level, I agree with some of what Abu Layth said, and disagree with other things he said, as do many, but do I think that anything he said justified an attack on his home?  Absolutely not!!

Unfortunately, radical Jihadist supporters quickly took everything that Abu Layth said out of context and made it appear that he was supporting Israel forcefully expelling all Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, which isn't want Abu Layth said at all (Link to Video).  Before long, an angry mob of Palestinian Jihadist attacked Abu Layth's home, throwing bricks through his windows and kicking open his door.  In the background, you could hear his wife and daughter screaming in terror.  Thankfully, nobody was killed, though Abu Layth testified in a video that the attack has left him fearful for his life and that his young daughters is still traumatized from it (Link to Video).  Many others in England have been shocked by the venom spewed by many Pro-Palestinian demonstrators.  

Some have been recorded marching through the streets calling not only the annihilation but for the mass rape of all Jewish women.  "Onlookers were left horrified after the convoy yelled: 'F*** the Jews... F*** all of them. F*** their mothers, f*** their daughters and show your support for Palestine."  It got so bad the Prime Minister Johnson himself felt obligated to stand up and denounce this hate, hate that not only targets Israel and Jewish people, but anyone who has the courage to stand up and denounce the Palestinian Jihadist agenda.  


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