The Truth Does Not Fear Lies: But Lies Fear the Truth

The Arrest of Polish-Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski should serve as a real eye-opener here in the West.  Why was this man arrested?  For what?  Officials try and tell us that he was breaking "Breaking Public Health Orders" during this global pandemic.  However, that hasn't stopped massive protests and rioting across the United States and other nations for the past year.  It seems odd that massive, often violent protests are allowed to occur unhindered, but faith gatherings are being strongly restricted.  In a recent interview (Link to Interview), Artur Pawlowski testified how he endured the repression and lies of the Eastern Communist Bloc and stated that in the West we are now being infiltrated by these same lies.  He stated that as it was in Eastern European Communism, their rights are being gradually taken away in the face of tyranny.  

In many cases, Tyranny does not come overnight.  In gradually asserts itself.  Those who ultimately become tyrants often do so through gradual infiltration.  Taking over government positions, the media, the school systems, and gradually begin asserting their will everything they can.  They do so under the disguise of it being "for the good of the state" when in truth, it's "for the good of their agenda."  Once the tyrants have a firm grasp on power, they take any and all means to begin silencing their critics.  Before the Nazis officially took over, they used intimidation and slandering to silence their critics.  Much like Antifa today, the Brown Shirts would go to public events and shout down their opponents when they tried to speak.  They pressured Universities to dis-invite them.  They smeared them publicly and in the media to try and shame them to silence.  Once in power, they no longer had to do this.  They simply arrested their opponents, locked them up, and in many cases executed them: such was the fate of the White Rose, whose members were imprisoned, and in some cases, killed, simply for printing leaflets exposing the lies of the Nazi regime.  The same fate even befell children like Helmuth Hübener, a member of the Hitler Youth who defied the Nazis by listening to the BBC (considered an act of treason) and distributed leaflets warning the German people that the regime was not only evil, but leading them into an unwinnable war.  

Of course, Nazis are not the only tyrants to engage in this.  Islamist dictatorships across the world engage in similar practices.  The Iranian regime has locked up and murdered thousands of political and spiritual dissidents.  They have even ordered the assassination of Iranian dissidents who have fled to foreign nations in order to try and ensure that all criticism is silenced.  Nations that of the Communist Bloc of Eastern Europe also did the same.  One famous example is that of Reverend Wurmbrand.  A courageous Pastor, Richard Wurmbrand stood up at a church council in Romania in 1948 and openly denounced the Communist Regime for their repressive polices.  He was arrested afterward and would suffered 14 years of imprisonment and torture.  The same Tyranny is found in other Communist nations like China, where dissidents like Bob Fu are arrested and imprisoned, often for harmless things, like distributing Bibles.  

Now one may think "This will never happen in America."  However, it already is.  Leftist organizations like the ACLU actively work to try and ban critics of Sharia Law from speaking on college campuses.  Radical Antifa groups like Antifa try to forcibly shout down speakers when these bans fail.  In some cases, it's gotten so out of control that some Universities are having political debates behind closed doors.  Making matters worse, the Leftist media falsely smears their opponents and "Nazis and Racists."  Their initial coverage of the incident between a Native American Activist Nathan Rivers and students of Covington High School is living proof of this.  Leftist organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center smear all their opponents in the same manner.  Censorship has even extended to online platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube who have de-platformed Christian apologists, news networks, and activists under the guise of "preventing hate speech and incitement to violence," but have taken no action against Leftist and Islamic extremists who openly encourage violence and hate both publicly and on social media.  

Why the growing censorship?  Why do we feel the need to silence those who criticize some ideas and beliefs, but not others?  Why is it that actors and actresses are being fired for their political views, but others are not?  Why is it that Leftist politicians are pressuring schools to adopt the "Critical Race Theory" curriculum and not allowing the parents of the students to have a say in the matter?  Why is it OK to criticize Christianity, but not Sharia (Link to Video)?  Why is it OK to openly support Gay Marriage, but it's not OK to openly oppose it?  When did saying "There are two genders" cause one to be called a Nazi?  The answer to this is the same here as it is everywhere else that tyrants have sought to take over, and that this that "The Truth does not Fear Lies, but Lies Fear the Truth."  Those who are willing to speak the truth have no problem engaging in dialogues with their opponents,  They don't fear to preach their message.  They don't threaten or belittle those who oppose them.  They don't resort to violence to intimidate and silence their opponents.  Liars however, don't like to be exposed for what they are, and will take any measure that they're allowed to take to silence their opponents. 

In the words of Christian apologist Brother Rachid: "If you speak out against tyrants before they obtain power, they seek to crucify your reputation.  If you speak out against them once they're in power, they will literally crucify you."  


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