Christian Preacher Hatun Tash Stabbed at Speaker's Corner

Hatun Tash, a 39-year-old Christian Evangelist for DCCI Ministries, was recently attacked while engaging in an interfaith dialogue at Speakers Corner in London, England.  A former Muslim from Turkey, Hatun Tash converted to Christianity, and uses her knowledge of both faiths to reach out to Muslims so they can learn to fully understand the teachings of Christianity & Islam so they can learn about who Jesus really was.  She is known to stand firm with her faith and not back down, even when faced with threats and harassment.  Unfortunately, there have been times when these threats were carried out.  A few months earlier, Hatun Tash was punched in the face while preaching at Speakers Corner.  It was not the first time she was attacked, but unlike other attacks, this one was caught on camera.  Now, it has escalated beyond physical assault and has reached the level of attempted murder.  

While a cameraman was filming another conversation between Muslims and members of DCCI ministries, Hatun Tash was in the speaking with another man.  Suddenly, without warning, the man pulled out a knife and tried to slash her throat (Link to Video).  She was slashed repeatedly in the face and arm.  Her assailant then ran off and a short time later, Hatun passed out.  Despite her wounds, when Hatun woke up, she stood up and continued to share Christianity with the people gathered around her.  Hatun displayed a spiritual strength that I cannot even begin to imagine.  Some time later, a police van came and took the still bleeding Hatun to the hospital for treatment.  

This sort of thing is all to common in the world.  Christians in Islamic nations seldom dare to preach openly as Hatun does.  To do so in nations like Iran, Pakistan, and Egypt would easily get one killed. In some nations, such as Saudi Arabia, the Bible is illegal, so open preaching is absolutely forbidden.  In truth, it is considered legal under Sharia Law to kill those who preach against the Islamic faith and criticize Muhammad (Link to Video).  Now obviously, such an act is illegal in Western societies, but there are many instances where those who follow the Jihadist doctrine and desire to place the whole world under Sharia choose not to abide by the law of the land in which they reside and instead take it upon themselves to take the Law of Sharia into their own hands.  

Despite this ever present reality, Hatun's reaction illustrates how we are to respond, not with violence and revenge, but with truth and love.  Hatun did not pick up the knife and attack any of the Muslims in the area.  She did not cry out for revenge.  She did not demand "blood for blood," but instead continued to share the truth of the Gospel.  Hatun understands that if we respond in the same manner as the man who attacked her, then we have become the very evil that we preach against.  No good will come of it, we will simply play right into their hands.  Dr. King knew this, which is why he said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that."  


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