Jack Dorsey & The Taliban

There are two men here. One is a bearded tyrant that is determined to silence all people that he disagrees with. The other, is the spokesman for the Taliban. Actually, the truth is this, the two are one in the same. Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, is notorious for having his "trust and safety team" permanently ban the accounts of any individual that preaches something that he disagrees with. You might think that this only applies to the likes of Donald Trump, but this is not the case, far from it. Individuals with popular YouTube channels have actually been banned for posting Tweets protesting religious persecution under Sharia Law ( Link to Video ). These individuals protest the fact that groups like the Taliban and other Jihadist terrorist groups endorse death for "Apostasy from Islam," a long-standing practice under Sharia Law. Freedom of religion is supposed to be guaranteed world-wide under the UN's "Universal Decla...