What is the "Red & Green Alliance?"

The Red & Green Alliance is a term I first heard on a news panel in which activists from different walks of life were discussing the threat that Jihad plays on the world ( Link to Video ). In the video, Canadian Activist Jamie Glazov, who was born to a family of Soviet defectors, described what he called an "Unholy Alliance" between the "Far Left" and "Fundamentalist Islam." In the video, Glazov describes how when people are attacked by a totalitarian ideology, namely Jihad, the Left twists it around to make the victim the perpetrator and the perpetrator the victim. Glazov accuses the Left of deliberately demonizing the people who stand up for the victims of fundamentalist Islam (Ex. Terrorist attack victims, honor killing victims, etc.) while trying to either make excuses or whitewash those who are the actual perpetrators of these crimes. This alliance seems to be nothing short of bizarre. After all, the Left claims to be opposed to slavery, cha...