Zuhdi Jasser, Jamie Glazov, and the Red & Green Alliance

Zuhdi Jasser is the the founder of the Islamic Forum for Democracy who knows the full horror of a Socialist Dictatorship.  His parents fled from Syria in the 1960's to escape their repressive nation and settled in Ohio where Jasser eventually grew up and joined the U.S. Navy.  The nation experienced great instability with nearly 20 coups after the French colonial administration pulled out of the country.  Eventually, the Baathists took over and turned Syria in what Jasser called "The North Korea of the Middle East."  Jasser called the Syrian Military an "Evil Force" and confessed that nearly one out of nine people worked for the Syrian Secret Policy who encouraged the populace to denounce anyone who spoke against the government.  Assad's military even brainwashed children into denouncing their parents.  Any who became backlisted lost all of their civil rights as well as the ability to make a life for themselves.  They would essentially end up living in an open-air prison.  Unlike the United States, there was no First and Second Amendment to guarantee the Liberty of the populace.  It was only through Soviet backing that Assad kept power for as long as he did.  It was the Soviet Union that made Syria into the "North Korea of the Middle East."  While many desired change, Jasser confessed that the Radicals within the nation, both Sunnis and Shiites, always hijacked these movements and simply created a new form of repression.  The Arab Spring was living proof of this, and the ongoing global movements continue to expose the dynamic of the alliance between the Radical Left and Jihad.

Like so many who fled from tyranny, Zuhdi Jasser acknowledges the alliance between the Radical Left and Jihad and expresses great distain for this "Red & Green Alliance."  Jasser stated that the two powers are natural allies because they both have similar aspirations.  The Leftists want to do away with all national borders & collectivize and control the resources of the world, while the Jihadists want to collectivize and control the Islamic Faith and unify the world under a Global Caliphate.  This Alliance of the Socialist Far Left and Islamist work hand-in-hand because they seek to destroy a common enemy: Western Civilization.  The West is guided by three principles: Family, Faith, and Freedom.  All of these things are despised by both the Socialists and the Jihadist because they're the primary roadblocks to their respective goals.  They want the principles of our Constitution done away with, along with the Judeo-Christian ethics that guide these principles.  This is why we see the Radical Left and the Jihadists within Western Nations waging both an external and internal war to destroy our society.  

Jasser stated that Leftists do anything to support their cause, even siding with tyrants.  Jasser points out that Leftists like Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and others who think along her line support boycotting Israel, the only free nation in the Middle East, but oppose sanctioning Iran, one of the most tyrannical regimes in the Middle East.  This is despite the fact that most Iranians, both inside and outside the nation, despise the Iranian regime and welcome sanctions in the hope that it will once day help topple the regime.  The sad reality is that Leftists do this because they actually believe in their own hypocrisy.  We recently witnessed members of the Socialist Feminist group "Code Pink" visiting Iran and expressing solidarity with the Iranian leaders in their struggle against America.  This is despite the fact that this regime is one of the worst repressors of women's rights in history, and their leaders would have these "Code Pink" leaders thrown into prison if they ever took power.  

We see this pattern continuing in the West, with the Leftists and Jihadist sympathizing organizations such as the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), seeking to silence all criticism of Sharia Law and Jihadist doctrine as "Islamophobia."  There are many examples of this, such as when CAIR partnered with Leftist organizations to ban the showing of the documentary film "Honor Diaries" which displays the suffering of women under Sharia Law.  These groups cited the film as "Islamophobic," despite the fact that the majority of the victims and activists fighting for the rights of these women are Muslim.  The disinvitation of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali Ex Muslim for "Islamophobia," from Brandeis University in 2014 (Link to Video) despite the fact that she has put her own life in great risk to fight for the rights of Muslim women is again living proof of the "Red & Green" alliance at work here in America.  Jamie Glazov, a Russian-Canadian who comes from a family of Soviet Defectors, dubs this as the "Unholy Alliance."  

In his writings, Jamie Glazov echoes Zuhdi Jasser's findings.  He too illustrates how Leftists often stay loyal to Socialist tyrants despite the fact that they violate everything that they claim to fight for.  In every nation that the Left has taken power, we have seen individual rights swept aside "for the good of the state.  Whether it was Vietnam, Cambodia, the Soviet Union, North Korea, or Red China.  Every Socialist dictatorship followed the exact same pattern.  When confronted with this reality in Western nations, Leftists throughout the course of history follow a pattern of excuses.  Many say "This isn't True Socialism," they'll claim the the body count was exaggerated, and some, like Walter Duranty (A New York Times Reporter in the 1930's who praised Stalin) outright deny that the atrocities took place.

Believing that these tyrants can be appeased with offers of aid and goodwill have always failed.  Former President Jimmy Carter visited terrorist leaders in Cairo and Damascus in an effort to promote cooperation & goodwill, but this move did nothing to stem the hatred and violence just like Neville Chamberlain's Munich agreement failed to appease Adolf Hitler in 1938.  Yet Leftist leaders continue this policy and silence critics by refusing to engage in dialogue and instead wage smear campaigns against all who oppose them.  A clear example is the Southern Poverty Law Center deciding to smear all critics of Sharia Law and Jihad as "hate activists."  Even Muslims like who oppose these ideologies and practices such as Maajid Nawaz have been blacklisted by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  It was only through lawsuits that Maajid Nawaz was removed from their "hate list," but the smearing still continues.  

The Leftist drive to create a "Socialist Utopia" has never succeeded in its ambitions.  This fairy tale ambitions has only left behind a trail of blood paved with over a hundred million corpses, yet Leftists still cling to the ideal that it is the West and Capitalism behind all of the suffering, and not their own failed ambitions.  Leftists in the 1930's saw Stalin as an "egalitarian" and a "populist."  When his crimes finally became exposed to the world, the Left dismissed him as an "abirritation."  They have followed that practice ever since.  The exposure of Stalin's crimes led to the creation of the "New Left" in the 1960's.  Whereas the Old Left accused Western Capitalism of failure during the Great Depression of the 1930's, they now cursed it because it was successful in the 1960's.  Now the Left pushed for "income redistribution" and accused Capitalism of being responsible for all the sufferings of the lower income populace.  Just as the "Old Left" praised Stalin, the "New Left" of the 1960's praised whether with Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and the Vietnamese Communists, all of whom killed and imprisoned millions, just like Stalin.  When this was again exposed, the Left again used their "abirritation" argument.  The pattern happened again in the 1980's when the Sandinista's took control of Nicaragua.  Thousands of Leftists in the West cheered the Sandanista regime, even visiting the nation.  Yet the Sandinista's like all other Socialist dictatorships, imprisoned hundreds of thousands and murdered thousands of opponents.  Ironically, whereas many Leftists in the U.S. claim to fight for the rights of American Indians and spearhead movements to change the names of sports teams that they feel "stereotype Native Americans," they ignored the displacement and massacres of thousands of Miskito Indians and the hands of the Sandanista's.  Later facts revealed that the so-called "Good Will" visits by Western Leftists were in fact acts of deception by the Sandanista's to appear as being "moderate" to the public.  It bore direct similarity to the Red Cross Visit that the Nazis orchestrated at the Concentration Camp of Theresienstadt.  

Just as we witness the Left using this denialist policy with all the Socialist dictators of the past & present, we now see the Left practicing the same policy with the Jihadists.  Former President Obama followed this policy.  During Obama's administration, whenever Jihadists struck, Jihadist denial followed.  The Leftist Progressive Goal now changed to reaching out in solidarity to Jihadists, Obama’s infamous Cairo speech in June 4, 2009 proof of this.  In the speech Obama blamed West for War on Terror, portrayed Islam as a mistreated victim and chose to cuddle up to Muslim Brotherhood despite the fact that they're recognized by nations all over the world as a terrorist organization.  Obama took this even further and ordered FBI and Department of Defense and other Intelligence agencies to purge all data and manuals of any mention of Islam and Jihad.  Disciplinary action leveled against those who made connection between Islam and terrorism. None of these actions changed the reality that Jihadist leaders constantly cited their scripture as their primary motivation.  However, the Leftists in the West don't want to accept this reality of the Jihadists being motivated by their faith because it goes against their goal of creating a "multi-cultural stateless utopia."  

This mindset of "blaming the West" and "denying reality" makes it easy for the Leftists to be wooed into sympathizing with the Jihadists under the false belief that the Jihadist in their own way lashing back against "Western Colonialism" without realizing that throughout the course of history; Jihadists have been guilty of imperialism, mass murder, and slavery, the very things that the Left professes to despise.  However, their unwillingness to acknowledge this fact leads the Left to continue their policy of "blaming Western bigotry" and "smearing critics of those who publicly speak against the ideology of Jihad (Link to Video).  While the Leftists love to denounce the Shah of Iran, they ignore the fact that the Ayatollah's of Iran have imprisoned and murdered far more people than the Shah ever did.  To this day, Jihad and dhimmitude have never been renounced.  Non-Islamic faiths have faced state-sanctioned persecution and ongoing massacres to this day, and slavery within many of these nations is still rampant, yet the Left pays no heed to this.  Leftists Feminists continue to praise Islam, despite the testimony of many Muslim women who reveal that militant Jihadists place more value on sheep than women.  Much like the Leftists, the Jihadists scorn Western achievements.  They place more honor on a Muslim individual who blows himself up in the name of Allah than on a Muslim individual who wins a Nobel Prize.  

The "Red & Green" alliance only works together because they shared the same common enemy.  Once that enemy is removed and they're the only two powers left, then they inevitably turn on each other.  The reasons being is that while both sides have mutual short-term enemies, they have vastly differently long-term goals, goals that are not compatible with one another.  Thus, when one comes to power, the other must go.  We see this everywhere.  For instance, in China we are witnessing the destruction of the Uyghur Muslim Community, yet because of this "Unholy Alliance," not a single Islamic nations stands up and speaks out against it.  On the other side of the coin, we witnessed the opposite happen in Iran.  Iranian-Canadian activist Maziar Bahari, who was imprisoned by the regime while in the country reporting on the 2009 protests, testified in his memoir how the Socialists who had long suffered persecution under the Shah of Iran joined with Ayatollah Khomeini to help oust the Shah from power.  However, once Khomeini had absolute power, he quickly turned on the Socialists, have untold thousands imprisoned, or shot.  In an ironic twist of fate, the Socialists ultimately suffered even more under Khomeini than they did the Shah.  Yet in the same pattern that we seen in China, not a single Socialist-dominated nation stood up to speak out against what Khomeini was doing to their brethren.  

It is because that this partnership is only based on mutual hate that that this "Red & Green Alliance" never brings about prosperity, only repression and destruction.  Unfortunately, neither side realizes it until its too late, just as neither side realizes that their goals are not only unobtainable, but they always fail to bring prosperity.  They only legacy either one has left behind is repression & death.



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