What is the "Red & Green Alliance?"
The Red & Green Alliance is a term I first heard on a news panel in which activists from different walks of life were discussing the threat that Jihad plays on the world (Link to Video). In the video, Canadian Activist Jamie Glazov, who was born to a family of Soviet defectors, described what he called an "Unholy Alliance" between the "Far Left" and "Fundamentalist Islam." In the video, Glazov describes how when people are attacked by a totalitarian ideology, namely Jihad, the Left twists it around to make the victim the perpetrator and the perpetrator the victim.
Glazov accuses the Left of deliberately demonizing the people who stand up for the victims of fundamentalist Islam (Ex. Terrorist attack victims, honor killing victims, etc.) while trying to either make excuses or whitewash those who are the actual perpetrators of these crimes. This alliance seems to be nothing short of bizarre. After all, the Left claims to be opposed to slavery, champions of women's rights, advocates for gay rights, and profess to support equality for all. So why then would the Left ally itself with a fundamentalist ideology that infringes on all of these things? Everywhere this fundamentalist ideology obtains power we see a rapid decline in free speech rights, protection of religious minorities, a drastic decline in women's rights, and in many cases, gays are simply executed.
In the years past, those who identified as on the Left (such as myself) tended to favor secular political thought. They welcomed discourse and dialogue with those who questioned, or even disagreed with some of their views in the hopes that they could work together to settle areas of disagreement and work together for the greater good for all people. This is no longer the case. Now the Left has become infected an ideology that has deviated from the old definition of "Tolerance" (The mutual agreement to respect others even if we disagree with each other's views on important issues) to the new definition of "Tolerance" (Recognizing and embracing all views as equally valuable and true, even if the make opposite claims about truth, and that any deviation from this is "narrow-minded" and "bigoted"). Therefore, when Americans began to start confronting the question of "Why 9/11 happened," many on the Left, who had a long history of sympathizing with America's opponents, laid the blame on lack of jobs and opportunity in Islamic nations as well as America's ongoing policies in the Middle East. However, this explanation didn't add up. Firstly, there are adherents of many religions throughout the Middle East who suffer unjust persecution and lack of opportunity, but don't feel the need to carry out a terrorist attack. Secondly, Osama bin Laden was a multi-millionaire, and the hijackers themselves from middle-class & upper-class background. Despite this, the unwillingness of the Left to listen to the explanation that terrorists had unshakable religious & political convictions led the U.S. government to lean toward the "Materialistic Explanation," which has not only led us to fail to understand the mentality of those who carried out 9/11 and other Jihadist attacks, but it also led the Left and to demonize and ridicule to anyone who tries to point out the facts behind what motivates the Jihadists.
Today, the "Leftists" in the West have embraced the ideology of "Wokeism" (Link to Video), In reality, Wokeism is just another form of Marxism, an ideology that the Left has long embraced. Like all other tenants of Marxism, it scorns faith, belittles the Judeo-Christian ethic, and despised free-market capitalism (much like the Jihadists). Like the Jihadists, the "Woke Leftists" scorn public debate & welcome the use of force and coercion to obtain their goals. While the Wokeists seek to silence critics with accusations of hate speech (which they want to be banned), Jihadists silence critics with accusations of blasphemy. Both also share other similarities. They both seek to tear down all the existing social and government structures and remake the world into their utopias, utopias that always become hellholes (Ex. Socialist Venezuela, the ISIS Caliphate of Iraq & Syria, even the Autonomous Zone in Seattle). As both of these sides hate the same things, it's only natural that they would join together to fight a shared enemy: hence the "Red & Green Alliance."
The Red stands for Socialist, the color always used by Socialist parties and nations once those parties have obtained power, while the Green is the common color used by Jihadists on their flags. The fact that these two powers both hate the same things (Western values, Judeo-Christian beliefs, Capitalism, & Individualism) makes them natural allies despite the fact that in the long run, they both have vastly different goals. It is for this reason that we constantly see the Far Left demonizing and ridiculing all those who come forward and reveal that Radical Jihad is motivated by religious doctrine and not material issues. We see such examples within our own nation when we constantly see the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which is the American chapter of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood organization, partnering with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to silence all in criticism of Islam within our nation.
For instance, CAIR launched a smear campaign against Minnesota Somali-Muslim community leader Abdirizak Bihi who was warning law enforcement of the growing radicalism within the community. This was despite the fact investigations revealed that several members of the Somali Jihadist group al-Shabaab who carried out a mall massacre in Nairobi, Kenya, were residents of the Minnesota Somali community. The ACLU continually aides CAIR in their campaign, filing lawsuits on their behalf to try and prevent the FBI from properly investigating terrorist recruitment and demanding the removal of ads offering reward for aiding in finding wanted terrorists. When leaders of CAIR and other Islamic organizations were found guilty of funneling money to terrorist groups in the Holy Land Foundation Trial, leading the FBI to designate CAIR as an "unindicted co-conspirator, the ACLU immediately rushed to CAIR's defense, accusing the U.S. government of dragging their name through the mud. This is despite the fact that numerous activists (Muslim & non-Muslim) have designated CAIR as a radical group, and the United Arab Emirates even designated them as a terrorist organization.
This coalition has had fatal consequences. The ACLU partnered with CAIR to push for the abolishment of the NYPD's undercover surveillance program that was formed after 9/11. This agency had the mosque attended by ISIS supporter Sayfullo Saipov under surveillance. Saipov later carried out a car ramming attack in the city that killed 8 people. In the U.S., the Left pushed the Obama administration to rule the Ft. Hood shooting as "workplace violence" and not "Jihadist terrorism."
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Dimitri Bontinck & His Son (Right) and Fauad Balkacem |
This pattern isn't only happening in America. In the nation of Belgium, former Belgian soldier Dimitri Bontinck was horrified to learn that in 2013, his son had joined ISIS. As a young teenager, Dimitri's son Jay began dating a Moroccan Muslim girl and later converted to Islam. Before long, he fell under the sway of Fauad Belkacem, the founder of the radical Salafist organization "Sharia4Belgium." Initially dismissing this as a phase, Dimitri was eventually awakened to the fact that his son had become brainwashed by this terrorist leader. Jay even changed his name to Sayfullah, which means "The Sword of Allah." Jay now began to view Gays and Jews as "Dirt," he believed that the whole world belonged to Islam, and that women were to be subservient to men. Dimitri went to the police for help, begging them to take action, but amazingly, they said that Fauad Belkacem was protected by free speech rights and could do nothing to help his son, who had joined up on his own free will (despite the fact that his son was 16 and still a minor). The Islamists had turned Belgium's own freedom's against them, and the Radical Left had helped them cow everyone into silence about their evil. Eventually, Dimitri had to take it upon himself to go to Syria and bring his son back after he ran off to join ISIS. It was only after Jay and other youth who had been indoctrinated by Sharia4Belgium agreed to testify against the organization that the Belgian authorities finally took action.
Other organizations follow this road. For instance, the Southern Poverty Law Center, a Far Left smear group that puts of the front of being an anti-hate organization repeatedly praises CAIR sympathizing anti-Semites like Linda Sarsour, but repeatedly smear other Middle East activists such as Nonie Darwish, Brigitte Gabriel, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali who repeatedly warn the West about the danger that Radical Islam poses to our society. Linda Sarsour is a vocal anti-Semite, a supporter of Palestinian terrorism, a defender of Sharia Law, and she actually praises Saudi Arabia's treatment of women, yet the SPLC and the ACLU praise her and work to get her published in popular publications like Glamour Magazine. Sarsour stated in interviews that Left organizations like Planned Parenthood, Pro-Choice America, MoveOn, and even some labor unions have come out and supported her efforts, showing a clear coalition of the web of alliances between the Far Left and Jihad.
The Left champions Linda Sarsour despite her views and the fact that she actually has relatives in prison on charges of open collaboration with the terrorist group Hamas. So why is it that the Left supports a woman who supports terrorism & the implementation of Sharia (which would deny women all of their Civil Rights)? It is because the Left and Linda both hate the same things: individualism, Western values, God in the Public Sphere, Zionism, & Judeo-Christian ethics. The Leftists love to discuss the sins of the West, such as the atrocities committed against Native Americans and slavery. However, they express little interest in discussing the ongoing atrocities committed by Socialist nations, the slaughter of religious minorities in Islamic nations, or the ongoing evil of slavery in other nations of the world. Why is this? The answer is that it doesn't support the Leftist agenda. This is why incidents like the hundreds of Sexual Assaults committed against over 1200 German women by Islamic migrants in 2014 was ignored by Leftist feminists, because it doesn't suit their "intersectional agenda."
This mindset of the Left continues even when Muslim women fall to abuse due to Sharia practices here in the West. For example, the U.S. Leftist media continually praised Muzzammil Hassan, the CEO of Bridges TV for his "fight against Islamophobia). This seemingly moderate, upper-class immigrant was later sentenced to 25 years to life for beheading his wife in an honor killing because she wanted a divorce, a common practice under Sharia Law. Ironically, the Leftist media who once championed this man was silent about this atrocity. Why? It is because it didn't suit their agenda.
Perhaps the most dramatic example is that of Kassim Alhimidi, a 32-year-old Iraqi woman who fled from her nation and later settled in California. On March 21, 2012, Kassim was found beaten to death in her home with a note near her body that said "Go back to the Middle East You Terrorist."
Boy did the Left have a field day with this! They began calling for a "Million Hijab Campaign" and calling for well known Sharia Law Critics in the U.S. to be labeled as "accomplices to her murder." However, it turned out that Kassim was murdered by her abusive husband in an honor killing because she wanted a divorce. The Leftist cry for justice was immediately silenced because not only do the Leftists have no interest in fighting against honor killings, but they not surprisingly have partnered with CAIR and attempted to silence public discussion of the issue in the West, despite the fact that thousands of acts of "honor violence" are committed against Muslim women in the West every year.
This "Red & Green Alliance" is not so much "mutual love," but "mutual hate." In West, they seek to silence anyone, Muslim & non-Muslim alike, from pointing out the horror of the Jihadist ideology and the ever present danger of Sharia-inspired Honor violence. Muslim Reformist Dr. Ahmed Mansour, who was forced to flee to the U.S. after facing intense persecution and near-death in Egypt, was sued by representatives of the "Red & Green Alliance" for slander when he tried to expose radical Mosques in Boston, one of which was attended by the infamous Boston Bombers. Anti-Sharia & Anti-Jihad activists in Islamic nations face imprisonment and death for speaking out against these ideologies, while in the West, such activists are repeatedly slandered by organizations funded by the "Red & Green Alliance."
Brother Rachid, a former Muslim from Morocco who was forced to flee his nation for his decision to convert to Christianity and for his speaking about against Jihad summed it up distinctly:
"In America if you criticize them, they crucify your reputation. If you criticize them in the Middle East, they will literally crucify you."
The only way to defeat this Alliance is for all of its opponents to unite together and to show the Left that "The Enemy of Your Enemy is not Your Friend." The Left may be useful tools for the Jihadists now, but in the end, they will meet the same fate as their "mutual enemies" because in the end, they're still Infidels. The Jihadists are simply playing the game of "Divide & Conquer," and so far, they're winning.
"Abdurahman Alamoudi Sentenced to Jail in Terrorism Financing Case." Department of Justice. Oct. 15, 2004. Accessed from https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2004/October/04_crm_698.htm.
Bridgitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America." YouTube Video, 4:22. Posted by Prophecy in the News. Sept. 06, 2016. Accessed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgKfL6M6CpU
Darwish, Nonie. Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror. New York: Penguin Group, 2006.
Emerson, Steve. "Some CAIR Officials Convicted of Crimes, More Tied to Extremist Groups." The Investigative Project on Terrorism." March 26, 2008. Accessed from https://www.investigativeproject.org/624/some-cair-officials-convicted-of-crimes.
Kampeas, Ron. "Holy Land Founders Get Life Sentences." Jewish Telegraph Agency. May 28, 2009. Accessed from https://www.jta.org/2009/05/28/united-states/holy-land-founders-get-life-sentences#When:10:32:00Z.
King, Jeff. Islam Uncensored. Washington D.C.: International Christian Concern, 2011.
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