Pro Life Centers Attacked Across the United States

Reports that the U.S. Supreme Court is re-analyzing Roe vs. Wade has triggered violent reprisals by pro-abortions extremists across the country.  In the city of Portland, radical activists began publishing the addresses of Pro-Life Centers throughout the city.  Shortly afterward, Antifa thugs began attacking the centers, breaking glass and spraying graffiti in what can only be described as acts of domestic terrorism.  

Crisis Pregnancy Center Attacked by Antifa in Portland, OR

Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers serve and aid centers and support groups for women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy that they did not plan for and are unsure of how to deal with it.  These centers work to help women through their crisis without having to resort to having abortions done.  Across the country, Crisis Pregnancy Centers help over two million people annually.  These targeted attacks are not only putting the lives of of the center workers in danger, it is also putting the people who use these centers to obtain help into the crosshairs of domestic terrorist attacks.  

The truth is that many people don't understand the full horror of abortion.  They don't know that many women who undergo the procedures often suffer traumatic stress afterwards.  They don't know that having abortions done often does permanent damage to a woman's body.  They also don't know how ghastly abortion procedures and when they see for themselves how they're done, many ultimately change their minds about supporting the ghastly practice.  Crisis Pregnancy Centers serve as safe havens, places that people can go to and learn how to deal with a crisis pregnancy without having to consider abortion, and equally important, learn how to take steps to keep crisis pregnancies from happening in the future.  They have done much good and saved many lives, therefore we shouldn't see it as a surprise that evil forces in our world seek to destroy them.  

In the mid-19th century, our nation camp to a precipice, where they had to decide whether or not we would be a nation with institutionalized slavery.  We had to decide whether or not the slaves in our nation were human beings, or property.  We are now facing the same dilemma our predecessors faced.  Is the unborn child a human being, or a piece of property?  


Di-Forre, Bettina.  "Abortions Extremists Target Pregnancy Centers in Reaction to Leaked Supreme Court Draft Regarding Roe."  Live Action.  May 05, 2022.  Accessed from:

Flanders, Nancy.  "When People Learn, They Change: 'I had no Idea that's how Abortion is Performed."  Live Action.  May 05, 2022.  Accessed from

Patota, Karen Jane.  Creating Compassionate Places.  Norristown PA: A Baby's Breath, 2017.


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