Former Trans Teenager Speaks out Against "Gender Transitioning"

Eighteen-year-old Chloe Cole recently gave a public speech denouncing Gender Transformation.  In an emotional, heartfelt speech, Chloe stated that the "beauty of motherhood" was stolen from her by medical  professionals.  It was at the age of 12 that Chloe identified as being a boy.  One year later, she began using puberty blockers and receiving testosterone injections.  Though her parents were reluctant to have their daughter going through all of this, especially at such a young age, they were pressured to do so by medical professionals who told them "Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?"  
Chloe's Testimony

Upon hearing this, her parents decided to sign anything that the doctors placed before them without question.  At the age of 15, Chloe underwent a double mastectomy and the following year, Chloe finally came to the realization that she had made a terrible mistake, that she was a woman and not a man, but this realization came too late.  The damage was already done.  

Chloe now faced even more challenges.  The very medical professionals who advised her parents to undergo these alterations are now refusing to help her de-transition, meaning she has to find help elsewhere, and in some cases, deal with the issues on her own.  Chloe had to go trough a lengthy de-drugging process as she had to ween off of the transitioning drugs she had been on for years.  Chloe has also suffered significant mental trauma, which is not surprising as a 2018 survey by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that 30-40% of those who identify as being trans have attempted suicide at least once in their lives, and this rate has not changed for those who underwent "gender transition treatment."  Many of her friends ostracized her and called her a "fraud" while her parents where devastated and had to undergo their own mental treatment as they felt that they had completely & utterly failed her.  Even worse, much of the damage done to Chloe's body is irreversible.  Though she's still capable of having children, she will never be able to breastfeed them.  

Chloe stated in her speech that the LGBT agenda that has spread across the nation greatly influenced her "gender dysphoria."  She witnessed how much praised that they receive online and she too, desired some of that praise.  The deeper she got into her transition, the more praise she received.  For Chloe, it was a huge high.  Nevertheless, she states that despite what the propaganda preaches, that "no matter what men and women do in order to act like the opposite sex, it does not change their biology."  

Now Chloe, and many other, are beginning to come forward and are urging the populace not to fall for this lie being spread by the LGBT propaganda.  Films are now coming out in which former trans individuals are exposing the danger of transitioning children (The De-transition Diaries).  Chloe believes that it is now more essential then ever to speak the truth publicly as she revealed  that over the past decade there has been a 4,000 percent increase in children being referred to "gender clinics."  Chloe is using her own personal experience to urge members of Congress take action against this trend and to vote in favor of the "Protect Children's Innocence Act" (Link to Bill), which would prohibit "gender-affirming care" for minors.  Those who have de-transitions state that this isn't a left-wing or right-wing issue, it's about protecting the innocent from harm.


Mondoro, Jean.  "'It Almost Killed Me': Ex-Trans Teen Slams 'Gender Transitioning' in Powerful Speech."  LifeSite.  Sept. 21, 2022.  Accessed from

Sadler, Ashly.  "Young People Expose Damage Caused by LGBT Movement on 'Detrans Awareness Day."  Lifesite.  March 16, 2022.  Accessed from  


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