Hamas Raped Hundreds of Israeli Women

As the truth of the Oct. 7th attack becomes more open and survivors start coming forward, accounts of mass-rape of hundreds of Israeli women by Hamas terrorists.  Captured terrorists and survivors testified that hundreds of women were gangraped at gunpoint.  Survivors and first responders further stated that after the massacre, the bodies of hundreds of young women were found in shredded clothes and in some cases, completely naked.  Many of these women were found with broken legs, broken pelvises, with bullet wounds in their breasts & vaginas, and underwear drenched in blood.  Some of the women's bodies were so badly mutilated that it was impossible to conduct a forensic investigation of their bodies.  

Yodi Saadon, a 39-year-old who survived the Supernova Peace Festival Massacre by hiding beneath a dead body underneath the stage testified that while he was hiding he witnessed 8-10 Hamas militants gang-raping and beating a young woman who begged for them "Stop it, what you're doing is killing me, just kill me!"  They simply laughed and continued until one finally shot her in the head, finally putting her out of her misery.  He later witnessed a woman's decapitated head rolling across the road because she refused to strip naked for the terrorists.  Other survivors testified how they saw Hamas rapists cutting the breasts of their rape victims with box cutters, even as they were still alive.  Israeli soldiers and first responders on the scene testified that they saw cases that were almost too horrible to describe.  Some testified that they found corpses of victims who were raped and then burned alive.  Another revealed that one of the rape victims was found in her bed with dozens of nails driven through her body, piercing various organs, illustrating that after her rape she was brutally tortured to death.  Numerous witnesses reported that they found women who were deliberately shot in their vaginas, all of which shows that mass rape and mutilation was deliberately planned.  Recent reports also reveal that at least 10 released Israeli hostages testified that they were sexually assaulted while in captivity.  The only piece of evidence that has not been so easy to find is the testimony of the rape victims themselves.  The reason being that the overwhelming majority of these victims were murdered by the terrorists after they were raped.  

Hamas leaders have naturally tried to deny these charges, but the overwhelming evidence from survivors, first responders, confessions from captured Hamas terrorists, as well as photographs and videos clearly illustrate that this is not the case.  First responders on the scene of the massacres testified to finding girls as young as 13 riddled with bullet holes and with semen still in their corpses.  Investigators further stated that the evidence overwhelmingly concludes that mass rape was part of the plan of the attackers from the beginning and that it was done specifically for the purpose of spreading terror and humiliation (Link to Video).  The Associated Press in a recent video declared that cases of mass rape didn't only occur at the music festival, but also against women in the nearby Kibbutz communities that were also attacked (Link to Video).  Investigators who have spoken with survivors, witnesses, & examined the recovered bodies reveal striking similarities to the rape atrocities committed by ISIS as well as Serbian forces during the Bosnian War.  The fact that there were cases of mass raped confirmed in multiple locations coupled with the brutal and systematic mutilation of so many bodies  clearly illustrates that the militants deliberately planned to carry out a campaign of mass rape and mutilation

What is even more disturbing then these actions was the lack of condemnation by the UN.  From the beginning of the attack Hamas terrorists were sending photos and messages back to Gaza bragging about gang-raping women.  Within days it was a well-established fact that Hamas terrorists engaged in the mass rape of Israeli women.  Despite this, the UN's response was largely silence, with some groups like UNICEF refusing to issue an official condemnation of this atrocity.  It wasn't until two months after the attack that the UN finally began to launch an official inquiry into this atrocity.  Other so called "Feminist Organizations" have likewise been notoriously silent, leading to the coinage of the phrase "#MeToo Unless You're a Jew."  

Julie Smolyansky, a Chicago native and advocate or survivors of sexual assault stated "I never in a million years would have dreamed that the world would turn their back on survivors when the perpetrators so gleefully recorded their violence and shared it with the world."  "I think that every Jewish person right now is feeling betrayal.  It would be like terrorists coming into Lollapalooza and kidnapping and raping our women & children because they didn't like our President.  I mean, it's ludicrous."  When Boko Haram kidnapped 276 girls as sex slaves in Chibok, Nigeria in April of 2014(90 are still missing) leaders and humanitarian organizations worldwide instantly united and demanded that this girls be released.  This was not done for the dozens of Israeli women that were kidnapped.  

After nearly two months of campaigning, enough people stood up and showed that these atrocities committed by Hamas were so widespread and such an abomination that the UN could not ignore it forever.  After nearly seven weeks of silence, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres called for an investigation of Hamas sexual assaults on Israeli women.  UN Women fell in line and did the same.  The truth is finally being acknowledged by top world leaders.  Secretary of State Antony Blinken openly stated that the sexual violence committed by Hamas was "Beyond anything I had ever seen."  President Biden stated "Reports of women repeatedly raped and their bodies mutilated while still alive, Hamas terrorists inflicting as much pain and suffering on women and girls as possible before murdering them, it is appalling." 

Despite all of this, Hamas leaders continue to lie.  The Hamas spokesman recently issued a statement saying "Rape is Forbidden."  However, when we look at Jihadist doctrine, we clearly see that this is not the case at all.  The tragic reality is that we have seen this pattern repeat itself time and time again.  Jihadist militants have continually abducted women across the world as "spoils of war."  Whether it's Coptic Christian women in Egypt, Nigerian women by Boko Haram, Syrian and Iraqi women by ISIS, even militants in the Russian-Chechnya Wars were urged by Jihadists across the Middle East to abduct Russian women as sex slaves.  

Why is this?  The tragic truth is that this is a long-standing practice done by Jihadists all the way back to the time of Muhammad in 7th century Arabia.  There are numerous verses in the Qur'an in which "sex slavery" is justified.  
  • Surah 23:6:-"Successful indeed are those believers who guard their private parts except from their wives or those whom their right hand possess."
  • Surah 70:30-"Worshippers guard their private parts except from their wives and from those whom their right hands posses; such indeed, are not to blame.  
  • Surah 4:24-"Forbidden for you are women already married, except such as your right hand possess.  Allah has enjoined this on you.
These Qur'anic verses seem to clearly justify that women, even married women, can be taken as "spoils of war," but is there a way we can be certain of this?  The answer to that can be found in the Islamic Hadith, which provides the context in which the Qur'anic verses were revealed.  
  • Sahih Muslim 8.3432-"At the Battle of Hunain, Allah's Messenger sent an arm to Autas and fought with the enemy.  Having overtaken them and taken them captives, companions of Allah refrained from having intercourse with captive women because of their polytheist husbands.  Then Allah Most High send down the Qur'anic verse: Surah 4:24"
  • Sunan Abu Daud 11.2150-"The Apostle of Allah sent a military expedition to Autas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of Apostle of Allah were reluctant to have relations with the female captives because of their pagan husbands. So, Allah the exalted sent down the Qur’anic verse “And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hand posses.” 
  • Sahih Bukhari 5.59.459-"We went out with Allah's Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interrupt us, we said, 'How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah's Apostle who is present among us?" We asked (him) about it and he said, 'It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist."  
    • Essentially, this verse stated that Muhammad's men feared having intercourse with the captive women because they feared getting them pregnant.  Muhammad stated it was "Allah's Will" to determine whether or not the women get pregnant.
    • Sahih Muslim 8.3371 expanded on this context by stating that Muhammad's companions didn't want to get the captive women pregnant because they planned to sell them later.  
Tragically, history also reveals that Jihadists have put these verses into practice time and time again.  When the Turks carried out the Hamidian Massacres of 1894-96 against the Armenians, and later the Armenian Genocide of 1915, many Armenian women such as Aurora Mardiganian who were fortunate enough to survive testified how they were gang raped by Turkish & Kurdish soldiers or were sold to Harems and were raped there.  When Bangladesh declared their independence from Pakistan in 1971 and went to war with the country, the religious leaders of the Jamaat-el-Islami declared a Jihad against the region and declared all Bengali women to be "War Booty."  As a result Pakistani militants embarked on a mass rape in which 200,000-400,000 Bengali women fell victim.  

Featured Left: 17-year-old Armenian Sex Slave in 1915
Featured Right: Female Rape Victim of 1971 Bangladesh War

The tragic truth is that this odious practice that we are seeing in Afghanistan is in fact a part of Orthodox Islamic doctrine.  Professors at Al-Azhar University (Islam's most prestigious university) such as Suad Saleh affirm that the taking of women as "spoils of war" is indeed a sanctioned Islamic policy (Link to Video).  It is in the Qur'an and justified in all the Hadiths.  We have also seen this practices followed in Islamic conflicts, both past and present.  Whether it was in 7th century Arabia, the Empire of Tamerlane, the Armenian Genocide of the 20th century, or the mass rape committed by Hamas against Israeli Women on Oct. 7th.  The world needs to start understanding that the atrocities committed by Hamas on Oct. 7th are enshrined deeply into Islamist doctrine and is used by Jihadists forces everywhere, whether in by ISIS in Iraq & Syria, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Shabaab in East Africa, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, or Hamas in Gaza.  The first step to solving a problem is identifying its source, and the source is Islamist dogma.  If we do not begin taking this first step, then atrocities like what we witnessed on Oct. 7th will continue to happen world-wide over the years that are to come.    


Balakian, Peter.  The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response.  New York: Perennial, 2003.

Daily Mail Reporter.  "Men should be allowed sex slaves and female prisoners could do the job - and all this from a Woman politician from Kuwait."  DailyMail.com.  June 7, 2011.  Accessed from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2000292/Men-allowed-sex-slaves-female-prisoners-job--WOMAN-politician-Kuwait.html

Darwish, Nonie.  Cruel and Unusual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law.  Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2008.

Forrest, Jack & Sam Fossum.  "Sexual Violence Inflicted by Hamas 'Beyond Anything I've Seen': Secretary of State Anthony Blinken."  ABC7.  Dec. 10, 2023.  Accessed from https://abc7chicago.com/hamas-rape-accounts-sexual-assaults-israel-october-7-videos/14142200/.

Gettleman, Jeffrey, Anat Schwartz, & Adam Sella.  "Screams Without Words: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7th."  New York Times.  Dec. 28th, 2023.  Accessed from https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html

Goudie, Chuck, et al.  "Hamas Accused of Using Rape as a Weapon of War in Israel on Oct. 7 Attack."  ABC7.  Dec. 04, 2023.  Accessed from https://abc7chicago.com/hamas-rape-accounts-sexual-assaults-israel-october-7-videos/14142200/.

Hogson, Sharon.  "'Hamas' Use of Rape as Weapon of War must be Condemned."  The House.  Dec. 21, 2023.  Accessed from https://www.politicshome.com/thehouse/article/hamas-use-rape-weapon-war-condemned.

Ibrahim, Raymond.  Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians.  Washington D.C.: Regency Publishing Company, 2013.

"Israeli Women 'Raped at Gun Point'-Could Hamas Animals Sink Any Lower?"  The Sun.  YouTube Video.  22:03.  Dec. 07, 2023.  Accessed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix0Cxm55w1A&t=2s.

Kottasova, Ivana.  "What We Know About the Rape and Sexual Violence Inflicted by Hamas During it's Terror Attack on Israel."  CNN.  Dec. 07, 2023.  Accessed from https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/06/middleeast/rape-sexual-violence-hamas-israel-what-we-know-intl/index.html.

Mardiganian, Aurora.  Ravished Armenia: The Christian Girl Who Survived the Great Massacres.  New York, 1918.  

Qureshi, Nabeel.  Seeking Allah: Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity.  Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan, 2014.

Rashid, Qasim.  The Wrong Kind of Muslim: An Untold Story of Persecution and  Perseverance.”  United States: AyHa Publishing, 2013

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