Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities

Layla Jane: Former Trans Suing Her Doctors
Layla Jane was only 13-years-old when she began to transition from a girl to a boy.  Now at age 18, she has ceased her transition cycle and is suing her former doctors at Kaiser Permanente.  In a statement given to Fox News, Layla stated "I don't think I should've been allowed to change my sex before I was legally allowed to have sex."  Layla is suing the institution for "intentional fraud & concealment" involving her gender transition, alleging that doctors pushed her into these transition procedures and characterized her gender transition as the only way to treat her preexisting mental health problems.  Layla, has underwent a double mastectomy at the age of 13, stated that "informed consent was missing here.  It is impossible for a child to give consent."  

Layla's Case is not an isolated one.  Other de-transitioning individuals are also taking their doctors to court, and their cases are very similar to Layla's.  At the age of 11, Kayla Lovdahl decided that she want to be a boy and at the age of 12 was diagnosed by doctors and trans and began taking puberty blockers.  The following year, she had a double mastectomy to remove her breasts.  By the time she was 17, she realized she had made a terrible mistake and has expressed great anger that the doctors around her did not council her properly.  Kayla is now suing her doctors, as is Chloe Cole, another young woman who began undergoing gender transition at the age of 13 when she decided she wished to identify as being a boy and her parents were pushed into it by medical professionals who told them "Would you rather have a live son, or a dead daughter?"  How is it though that we reached this point?  If an individual has to be 18 to vote, serve in the military, & legally have sex, and then be 21 to legally drink alcohol or smoke, wouldn't we consider it common sense that they would also have to be that age before making the decision to undergo life-altering transition surgeries?  How is it that we have allowed children as young as 11 to make the decision to permanently alter their bodies, without even receiving any kind of proper counseling?  The answer is and a complex blend of false indoctrination & greed.  

Schools were once focused on teaching children the necessary skills to succeed in life: reading, writing, and arithmetic.  They were also once places where they taught young children how to think critically.  Now, instead of teaching them how to think, our schools are becoming indoctrination centers, trying to tell children what to think.  The push of the Trans-gender ideology is living proof of this.  Growing up, words like "non-binary" & "gender fluid" were unheard of.  The idea that a boy or a girl to could change to whatever sex they chose to identify as was never brought up.  This has become a new development in recent years, but it is spreading like wildfire, and like a wildfire, it is leaving destruction in its wake.  

Reimer Twins

Schools and other institutions are now trying to teach that gender identity and biology are completely separate things despite the fact that the only official study to try and prove this theory was a complete failure.  This study was done by John Money on a set of twins born in 1964 known as the Reimer Twins.  One of the boys, David Weimer, suffered an accident that led him to lose his penis in infancy.  John Money told the parents to simply raise him as a girl, that he was only 18 months and with some operations and hormone treatment, he'd be comfortable as a woman.  David underwent such surgeries at the age of 22 months, but it turned out that John Money's beliefs were wrong.  By age 11 David realized he was not a girl and at age 15, began living as a man.  David ultimately committed suicide at the age of 38.  Despite the fact that this was a failure, John Money toted it as a success, leading his theories to become widely accepted in Psychology, Sociology, Gender Studies, and other fields of academia.  

Abigail Martinez had a daughter who at the age of 13 began to suffer from depression.  Like any parent, she sought help from mental health specialists.  During her sessions, Abigail's daughter stated that things seemed to be so much easier for her brother, leading one of her "specialists" to ask if she'd be happier as a boy.  For many children, the teenage years are a natural time of change and confusion, which naturally makes them very vulnerable to ideas like gender transformation.  Chloe Cole was another vulnerable young girl, who during her time of vulnerability, began to try transitioning from a girl into a boy between the ages of 13-16.  She stated that during her transition the reason why she wanted to become a boy was never explored.  The theme is often recurring, with troubled youth being diagnosed as trans when in fact they are going through confusing issues at a vulnerable age and they often don't know what is wrong with them or how they should get a handle on it.  Abel Garcia was another such individual who testified that as a child he was prone to being shy, introverted, and tended to overthink things.  When seeking to try and understand why he acted as he did, he turned to the internet and heard of the term "transgender" for the first time through YouTube.  Thinking that this may be the reason behind his mental issues, Abel went to a therapist where he stated he felt that he might be transgender.  The therapist never launched an in-depth psychological evaluation of Abel.  Instead, she immediately defined Abel as transgender after their first therapy session and immediately recommended hormone therapy.  For an increasingly number of therapists, simply identifying an individual like Abel as "trans" removes the need for them to launch a more in-depth session to identify what it is that's really wrong with them mentally.  For example, it wasn't until after Chloe Cole stopped transitioning at the age of 17 and began to seek other explanations for her mental issues that therapists discovered that Chloe had both ADHD and Autism.  Cat Cattinsson, who also tried transitioning into a man, stated that her gender therapist immediately diagnosed her as trans while completely overlooked her eating disorders and other mental issues.  

There are many cases in which children who go to LGBT groups at schools which are formed to try and help children learn about their "identity" have social workers and therapists who work in these groups but receive strict instructions not to inform the child's parents of anything that is going on.  Social worker & therapist Pamela Garfield-Jaeger testified how she willingly went along with this policy and at the time didn't see any harm in it.  In these sessions, vulnerable children were informed that they were "victims" and could not confide in anyone else, even their families, because they wouldn't understand.  

Kids often seek acceptance, and these troubled youth find a group that openly accepts them and urges them to embrace this lifestyle, but then tell them that anyone who questions it in any manner is a hatemonger & a bigot.  It becomes an "us vs. them" mentality.  If these children chose to try and change their names and their pronouns, the teachers are often told not to inform the parents of this, leading many parents with no idea of what is happening to their child.  When parents are informed, they are often pressured into believing that their child is trans, and are told things like "Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?"  These "professionals" often tell parents that the overwhelming majority of people cease suffering from these mental issues once they transition, but this is not the case at all.  Chloe Cole testified that prior to transitioning she never once thought of suicide, and it wasn't until after she began trying to transition into a boy that thoughts of suicide entered her head.  

Endocrinologist Dr. Michael Laidlaw testifies that Social Media is having a massive impact on the youth of America, and the "trans" movement is dominating these outlets, bringing these ideas into the heads of vulnerable children who are going through puberty and as a result are uncomfortable with their bodies and are unsure of how they should handle it.  Adding to this troubling issue is the fact that many clinics across the nation are willing to carry out gender transitioning treatments & surgeries on these vulnerable children.  This is further compounded by the fact that if professionals try and present alternatives to this "trans mentality," to explore with a person about why it is that they believe they're in the wrong body, the professional can be accused of "conversion therapy" and have the professional license threatened.  Teachers who refuse to go along with this (Ex. refusing to call a child by their "preferred pronoun" are also accused of "damaging the child" and could have their careers placed in jeopardy as a result.  

Author J.K. Rowling Threatened for Opposing Trans Movement

People of all walks of life who speak out against this ideology and subject to hecklers and smear campaigns anytime that they try to publicly state their views.  At times, the authorities may even take the children away from their parents and have them stay in group homes pending investigations because they become convinced that their parents are mentally abusing their children by refusing to go along with this "trans ideology."  These parents are often forbidden to see their children unless they had someone else in the room with them and were forbidden to try and convince their child that the "trans path" may not be the right way.  Many of these parents are pressured to sign waivers to allow their child to undergo gender transformation treatment under the threat that they will lose custody of their child if they refuse to do so.   Abigail Martinez was one such parent.  When her daughter Yaeli sought to transition, the courts forced Abigail to consent to all of her daughters demands, or they would take her away.  The courts decision ultimately turned to to be a fatal one.  

What many fail to understand is that these "gender transition" treatments often do permanent damage to an individual, both physically and mentally.  Many of these "professionals" apply "puberty blockers" to children who are confused about their gender in order to prevent their bodies from developing naturally.  However, many children who proceed in this treatment are not told that puberty blockers cannot be reversed, meaning that if the child decides later that transitioning wasn't what they wanted after all, it's already too late, the damage to their bodies cannot be reversed.  Fertility development is often adversely affected by puberty blockers.  Bones don't develop properly because bone development is also a part of puberty.  Abel Garcia stated that during his time of transitioning, he had three surgeries done on his chest.  Now, he has lost almost all feeling in his chest and he'll probably never get that feeling back.  Moreover, many fail to realize that the human mind is not fully-developed until the early 20's, and puberty blockers serve to interfere with natural mental development.  In truth, studies show that these blockers hinder brain development and ultimately make any of the mental issues that the individual is suffering from (Ex. Autism) even worse.  Medical research shows that there is actually a greater risk of people committing suicide after they transitioned.  

Abigail Martinez & Her Daughter Yaeli

Abigail Martinez stated that the puberty blockers caused her daughter Yaeli tremendous pain and she couldn't cope with it, and yet the doctors never advised Yaeli to stop the treatment in order to stop the pain.  In the end, the transitioning did not help her daughter come to terms with her mental problems and she ultimately committed suicide by standing in front of a train.  She was 19.  Chloe Cole likewise testified that she never contemplated suicide until after she began transitioning.  By the time that Chloe finally decided to stop transitioning and made the decision that this was wrong for her, the damage was irreversible.  Chloe will most likely never be able to conceive a child as a result of all her treatments.  Chloe stated her physical treatment when she was only 13, which is when she began to use puberty blockers and would receive injections every 3-4 months, but for her, this wasn't enough.  She later decided she wanted her breast gone completely and began to seek surgery to make this happen.  Chloe never received any counseling against this.  She simply said this is what she wanted, and the doctors agreed to it.  One of the reasons behind this agreement without proper consultation was simple greed.  Cosmetic surgeries cost a lot of money, and the more money the hospitals bring in the more the doctors get paid.  Pharmaceutical companies make lots of money selling puberty blockers to those who decide that they want to trans, and it's known by these companies that trans people will likely be taking Pharmaceutical's for the rest of their lives.  

The truth is that people like Yaeli and Chloe are not alone.  There are many people who were once identified as trans who ultimately regret undergoing their gender transformations.  Many of these individuals gradually came to the realization that there were traumas that occurred to them over the course of their lives that put them onto this path. 

Once such individual was Walt Heyer, who tried to transition from a man to a woman, but ultimately came to regret it.  He has since created the website Sex Change Regret and has helped over 1,000 individuals like himself who no longer identify as trans and have come to regret their transition surgeries.  Many need people like Walter because all too often when individuals decide to de-transition, they don't receive the same amount of counseling and treatment that they received when they tried to transition.  They're often left on their own because even therapists who want to help fear losing their license if they do.  Cat Cattinsson is a musician & molecular biologists who tried to transition into a man and took testosterone for five months to try and transition.  According to medical experts, taking testosterone treatments can cause sleep apnea, weight gain, vaginal atrophy, diabetes, and hair thinning, as well as other negative physical affects.  When she made the decision to stop, the pain was so intense that at times she couldn't even get out of bed.  Chloe also testified that she received no help from medical professionals when she de-transitioned and her mental state got so bad that she didn't know if she could go on living.  

Walt Heyer, who testified to being cross-dressed by his grandmother at the age of 4 and being sexually molested by his dad's adopted brother.  These incidents traumatized Walt and later in life, he want to a gender therapists who suggested hormone treatment and transition surgery.  However, by age 50 Walt finally realized that it was the abuse he suffered as a child that put him onto this path, and not gender confusion, but these issues of abuse were never addressed by any of his therapists.  Other de-transitioning individuals also testified to suffering from a number of traumas that put them onto this path.  Chloe Cole testified that she was sexually assaulted in Middle School and for years didn't comprehend how much this affected her mentality.  Cat Cattinsson also testified that as a young girl where was attacked & harassed by a young boy, which led her to develop that belief that if she were a boy, she could better protect herself.  

While the idea of "transgender" is being pushed by mainstream media, social media, and other powerful entities in our society, one has to ask as to why there is such a strong push to legitimize this movement when studies show that less then 1% of the population as any kind of serious "body dysphoria" issue? The truth of the matter is that there is a much of the "trans agenda" isn't simply about "human rights" or the "right to decide your gender," a lot of it is about money.  

The "trans movement" wasn't even included into the Gay Rights movement until around 2005, but once it was adapted, numerous NGO's began pushing the agenda under the veil of "human rights," and the medical industries went right along with this push as they knew that there was money to be made by selling drugs and doing cosmetic surgeries for years to individuals who wish to transition.  This money-making enterprise has disguised their real motivation behind the veil of human rights, but is that what this is really about?  If a child is suffering from mental issues and turns to other methods of self-harm such as drug abuse or self-injury (Ex. cutting), would any rational doctor in the world come to the conclusion that they should pursue the path of drug use or cutting themselves if this is makes them happy and content with themselves?  Walt Heyer summed it up by stating that "This is not about helping people, it's about making money."  The cosmetic surgery industry alone for "trans operations" is estimated to be at least a $1.5 billion dollar industry.  


"California Mom Speaks Out Against Bill: 'My Daughter Was Murdered by Gender Ideology.'"  The Daily Signal.  June 14, 2023.  Accessed from

"Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities."  Epoch TV.  2023.  1:27:24.  Accessed from

Guzman, Alyssa.  "'My Daughter was Murdered by a Gender Ideology:' LA Mom Slams CPS After it Took Away Her Daughter and Let Her Transition Into a Man-Before She Killed Herself Three Years Later Aged Just 19."  DailyMail.  June 22, 2023.  Accessed from

Penley, Taylor.  "De-transitioned Teen Sues Kaiser Permanente for Performing Double Mastectomy on Her at Age 13: 'International Fraud.'"  Fox News.  March 20, 2023.  Accessed from

Schlott, Ricki.  Kayla Lovdahl Has Already Transitioned & De-Transitioned at Age 18-and Now She's Taking Her Doctors to Court."  New York Post.  June 21, 2023.  Accessed from

Suratos, Pete.  "Kaiser Permanente Sued Over Hormone Therapy."  NBC Bay Area.  Feb. 24, 2023.  Accessed from


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