Hamas and Their Child Soldier Training Camps

For years the world has known that Hamas deliberately targets children for indoctrination and training to carry out terrorist missions.  They have camps throughout Gaza and other areas of the Middle East where children are taught to hate, & trained to kill.  These camps are often referred to as "Summer Youth Camps."  The titles sound harmless enough, but unlike the summer youth camps in the U.S. and other Western nations where children play games, do crafts, and in general, have fun, the Hamas "Summer Youth Camps" are nothing like this.  They're training camps, where children are trained in weapons handling, military drills, and are indoctrinated to "hate the Infidel," particularly Jews.  

Link to Video

On videos that have circulated across the online world, these children have openly confessed that they have come here for the purpose of learning to fight.  One such video surfaced on MEMRI with a child openly stating "We did not come here to enjoy ourselves, to play, or anything like that.  We came with our souls, our blood, our martyrs, and our wounded to sacrifice ourselves for Palestine and for our people."  These same children are also on video giving praise to Adolf Hitler, and stating that they only reason he didn't kill all the Jews was so he could allow the world to see for themselves how evil the Jewish people are.  A terrorist organization that teaches their children to fight and hate Jews while giving praise to infamous anti-Semites like Hitler is  an organization that is not interested in trying to seek a way to coexist with the Jewish state of Israel.  If anything, the footage of the attack of Oct. 7th 2023 shown side-by-side with the footage of these "Summer Youth Camps" should convince the world that it's crystal clear that  clear that Hamas is only interested in fighting, but not just here and now.  They want that fight to continue on for however long it takes, which is why they work so hard to indoctrinate the next generation to keep on fighting until all the Jews of the world are annihilated, and no amount of appeasement will dissuade them from this goal.  

Video of Child Indoctrination

The indoctrination of Palestinian children to fight, hate, and kill by Hamas and other terrorist groups is no secret, nor is it something that has begun in recent years.  Former PLO terrorist Tass Saada joined the terrorist organization after Israel's victory in the 1967 6-Day War. In his memoir Once an Arafat Man, Tass Saada confessed to being Yasir Arafat's personal driver, serving as a sniper, and training children as young as nine on how to fight and kill.  Former Lebanese terrorist Kamal Salam likewise confessed that in 1964 his parents sent him off to a terrorist training camp at the age of seven.  This practice had been going on for decades, and yet Western Leaders continue to pretend that this reality does not exist.  Western nations like the US continue to pour funds into the UNRWA despite fact that they've been repeatedly exposed in engaging in these indoctrinations of Palestinian children, and recently its even been exposed that some UNRWA employees openly support Hamas.  For the time being many nations have finally begun to step forward and suspend funds to UNRWA, but more must be done.  The time has come for the people of the free world to stand up, insist that it does exist, and start pressuring their leaders to take firm measures to stop it.  


Saada, Tass and Dean Merrill.  Once an Arafat Man.  Clarksville, Tennessee: Riggins International Rights Service, Inc., 2008.


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