Radical Leftists Target Christian Coffee Shop

Jamie Sanchez, the owner of the Drip Café in Denver, CO stated that for months the Denver Communists and local LGBT groups have been targeting his place of business.  The protests against his business back in August, and they have been ongoing ever since.  Their goal, as stated on their protest signs and websites is to disrupt their business as much as possible so that the owner will be unable to pay his rent and will have no other option but to shut down.  

Jamie Sanchez founded the organization "Recycle God's Love."  Founded in 2012 it was formed to provide aid to the homeless and their coffee shop Drip Café is part of that mission as it was founded with the goal of providing jobs for homeless people and enabling them to climb out of poverty while also dedicating a share of their profits to further assist in homeless outreach.  In an interview with CBN, Mr. Sanchez stated that ever since Drip Café opened in June 2023 these radical Leftists have been picketing outside at least once every month with protests often numbering several dozen with the protestors loudly chanting, often on blowhorns, and yelling at potential customers who try to go in for service.  This isn't unlike the infamous Nazi boycotts of 1933 with Nazi Brown Shirts gathering outside Jewish stores and urging customers not to go inside.  

These protestors have not only targeted the shop with false accusation, they've even gone as far as to accuse Mr. Sanchez of using the death of his wife as a way to gain "pity" from potential customers and using their sympathy to gain sales (Link to Video).  The coffee shop became targeted for openly stating on their website that while they do not support the homosexual lifestyle and consider it going against God's teachings.  Their site stated the following message on opening day:

"This organization is opposed to homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle. Additionally, this organization holds that a homosexual lifestyle is contrary to God's Word and purpose for humanity (I Timothy 1:10). The Bible instructs that it is a sin that leads to death. Moreover, this organization is instructed to love those living such lifestyles, while abhorring their sin. 1 Cor. 6:9 says the following: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders." Members of the church are forbidden to practice such sin. Any member found to be in such sin and unrepentant shall be subject to dismissal."

Protestors called this message "outright anti-queerness," stating that they are saying that the only option is to repent & apologize for embracing homosexuality, or burning in Hell.  Since opening, the Café has since amended their message to read the following:

"This organization holds that a homosexual lifestyle is contrary to God’s Word and purpose for humanity and is sin (1 Timothy 1:10). . Moreover, this organization is instructed to Love those living such lifestyles. 1 Cor. 6:9 We Believe that showing hate towards people in these communities is not the way Jesus would respond. Therefore, although disagreeing with the lifestyle, we must show love." 

Mr. Sanchez, though not agreeing with the homosexual practice, is not expressing any sort of hatred or malice toward those who do.  He insists that his café is never openly hostile to homosexuals nor do they refuse them service if they come inside to do business.  What he is doing is essentially following the teaching of "Loving the Sinner, Hating the Sin."  Under Christian doctrine, everyone has sinned (John 8:7-11), a statement further emphasized in Matthew 5:28 which stated that if anyone even looks at a woman with lust, they're guilty of the sin of adultery.  Thus Christians like Mr. Sanchez who follow these beliefs likewise believe that things like polygamy, view internet porn, or even looking at a woman in passing with lustful thoughts is sinful, but that they believe in loving all despite their sins.  

The Left has long expressed the view of "tolerating & embracing diversity."  However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that all too often, many Leftists are not very tolerant of people who disagree with them on any issue.  It seems that for the Left, tolerance is only "skin-deep."  


Kreutter, Danielle.  "Christian Ministry Coffee Shop Protested Against Over anti-Homosexuality Stance."  Denver7ABC.  June 02, 2023.  Accessed from https://www.denver7.com/news/front-range/denver/new-christian-ministry-coffee-shop-protested-against-over-anti-homosexuality-stance.


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