Yasmine Mohammad & the "Useful Idiots" Problem

In her novel "Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam" Yasmine exposes the terrible truth that many in the West don't want to hear, that the Radical Left is enabling the spread of radical Islam within its borders.  Yasmine grew up in an Egyptian family that immigrated to Canada.  During her childhood, Yasmine endured horrific physical and psychological abuse at the hands of her mother and step-father.  In her memoir Yasmine testified how her step-father tied her up and beat the soles of her feet for not memorizing the Qur'an properly.  She further stated that she was beaten and and severely reprimanded by her parents whenever she questioned any asked of Islam, Muhammad's marriage to Aisha when she was only six being one such example.  Under Islamic practice, critical thinking is forbidden and blind obedience is mandated.  

Yasmine's abuse began when her mother and father, who had immigrated to the U.S. and settled, divorced.  Yasmine's mother proceeded to move to Vancouver and obtained Canadian citizenship.  While there, she sought refuge and support from the local mosque, which is where her slide to Islamic extremism began.  Before all of this, Yasmine's mother had Christian friends, dressed as a Western, and allowed Yasmine to live a relatively secular life.  However, after attending the mosque for a duration, she fell into the Islamist ideology and eventually married Yasmine's stepfather: Mounir, becoming his second wife.  Although polygamy is illegal in Canada, the authorities turn a blind eye to it, just one of the many ways that "political correctness" is blinding Western nations like Canada.  It is now that Yasmine's life changed.  Music became forbidden, as did having non-Muslim friends, riding a bike, swimming, or anything else that her step-father viewed as "Haram."  If Yasmine tried to defy Mounir in anyway, she would bring "dishonor" to the family which could lead her falling victim to an "honor killing."  

Yasmine ultimately lost the innocence of her childhood to her parents.  She was indoctrinated both in the home as well as her Islamic school and Mosque to hate all non-Muslims, especially Jews.  She was taught many violent teachings from the Qur'an and the Hadith as well as the necessity to wage war on the "Infidel."  She had to continually pray for the Caliphate to rise and for the "Infidel" to be annihilated.  

Yasmine, who voiced disapproval of the 9/11 attack was shocked to hear her mother defending it.  When Yasmine pointed out that the attack killed many innocent people, even children, her mother stated: “Well sometimes there are casualties in war.”  Yasmine countered by saying “That’s not war, that’s an attack on innocent civilians.”  Her mother then rebuked, her, stating “Don’t be stupid, Muslims are always at war with Kuffar.  That’s your problem, you never understood that.”  “You will have no choice but to join the Caliphate when we succeed in overpowering them, or you will be killed with them like a dog.”  Mother’s view was the same as that of the 9/11 hijackers & ISIS.  That’s why the Caliphate arose in Iraq & Syria (ISIS) and why Muslims from all over the planet flew in to join them.  Once ISIS gained power, the recruits were already indoctrinated & ready to join. 

By age 9 she was forced to begin wearing the hijab against her will.  All the while, her step-father continued to abuse her, both mentally and physically.  During one particularly severe beating, he hung Yasmine upside down and in the garage and beat her.  Sadly, Yasmine's case his not a considered to be rare.  In truth, it's the norm in Islamic societies.  Reports from numerous human rights organizations reveal that 70% of children between ages 2-14 suffer from violent abuse in Muslim majority nations.  In some countries like Yemen, Tunisia, & Egypt, it's as high as 90%.  When Yasmine entered grade eight, she finally worked up the courage to ask her teacher, Mr. Fabbro for help.  She showed him her bruises and together the went to the principal's office where Yasmine begged social workers to get her out of her abusive household.  She finally thought that she would be freed from her abusive family.  She was wrong.

Link to Video

Yasmine informed the police as well as the social workers that she was continually abused by her parents.  When they warned her that she could end up in a foster home, Yasmine told them that she didn't care, she just wanted to escape the abuse.  Mounir on the other hand coerced Yasmine's mother and siblings to lie to the authorities and to testify in his favor.  When the case went to court, the judge sided in favor of Mounir and ruled that corporal punishment didn't violate Canadian Law as it was permissible due to her family's culture.  Though the social workers disagreed with the judge's ruling, they were powerless to do anything about it and Yasmine was forced to return to her abusive parents.  Yasmine had gone to the Canadian authorities for help, putting her life on the line to do so, and she was ultimately betrayed.  The reason being is that Canada, like all Western nations, has been infiltrated by cultural & moral relativism.  Instead of being treated like an abused girl, Yasmine was treated with bigotry.  Had she come from a white family, the courts would have sided in her favor, but because of cultural relativism, the courts ruled against her.  We see this everywhere.  In the U.S., if a Christian family refuses to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple because it goes against their beliefs, they're smeared as bigots.  However, when a Muslim bakery refuses to do this for the same reason, the reaction is silence because if thou question any Islamic practice or belief, you're smeared as an Islamophobic bigot.  It's both a great stupidity & a double standard employed by people in the West that Yasmine describes as "Useful Idiots."  

Essam Marzouk

Yasmine's abuse now increased.  She was pulled out of public school and sent to an Islamic school.  At school she was further indoctrinated and at home subject to continually beatings and insults by her mother and step-father.  Eventually, the only way Yasmine could cope was to simply numb herself to it.  Eventually Yasmine was forced into an arranged marriage with Essam Marzouk, a man 14 years her senior, who only wanted to marry her in order to obtain Canadian citizenship.  Shortly after their marriage, Essam beat Yasmine because she left their window curtains open.  He didn't want anyone else to see her.  When Yasmine fled to her mother's, she reprimanded her and stated that Surah 4:34 permits a husband to beat his wife if she disobeys him.  She further stated that he could take her at will and she could not refuse him.  So essentially, Essam could beat her and rape her at will, and there was nothing Yasmine could do about it.  

Yasmine became a prisoner in her own home.  Essam forbade her to go anywhere without his permission, forced her to where a niqab whenever she left the house.  Eventually, Yasmine's only link to the outside world was her TV.  Eventually, Yasmine had a daughter with him, and learned from her mother that he wanted to send their daughter to Egypt to undergo Female Genital Mutilation once their daughter was of age.  Now Yasmine was desperate to escape him as she didn't want her daughter to undergo this, and at this point, the Canadian authorities finally intervened because it had been confirmed that Essam was an al-Qaeda operative.  Yasmine was finally able to escape and moved with her daughter into a friend's basement where she could escape her abusive family and go to University.  Eventually, Yasmine left Islam altogether, but this was very dangerous.  In Islam the punishment for apostasy is death and Yasmine's own mother threatened numerous times to kill her for leaving Islam.  Yasmine had no choice but to cut her mother out of her life.  Despite all of her suffering, Yasmine never went public with her story until she watched an episode of Bill Maher.

Ben Affleck & Sam Harris on Bill Maher's Show

During this particular episode, Bill Maher & Sam Harris, both of whom are atheists who profess to support Liberal values exposed how in the nation of Egypt people who choose to leave Islam are sent to Insane Asylums while a poll revealed that 84% of Egypt's population professed to support the death penalty for Apostasy.  Ben Affleck accused the two of being racist.  When Bill and Sam tried explaining that standing by Liberal values means doing so for everyone worldwide, Ben refused to listen and accuse them of wrongfully smearing Islam.  Upon watching this, Yasmine watched sadly as many Leftists praised Ben, stating that "Straight White Men" have no say in this matter.  It is at this point, that Yasmine felt obligated to stand up and inform people that what Sam and Bill said was in fact truthful, and that as a "brown-skinned Egyptian woman," she herself endured this.  This is when she authored her book "Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam."  Her book has been highly successful, being published in 15 languages.  However, she still ran into difficulties as no publisher was willing to publish her book in English, forcing Yasmine to self-publish it (Link to Video).  

Ever since publishing her book, many more people have come forward, confessing to the abuse that they suffered under Islamism and how hard they have struggled to break free of this ideology, but like Yasmine, many of these people had nowhere to turn to.  In order to help, Yasmine founded the organization "Free Hearts Free Minds" as on organization that supports those who have renounced Islam worldwide, offering both individual support & group support.  Yasmine also cofounded "Clarity Coalition" with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a Muslim immigrant to the U.S. from Syria who founded the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and is a fierce opponent of Jihad and Islamism.  Clarity Coalition openly opposes Islamism and advocates for the enforcement of the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights across the globe.  

Yasmine confesses that to this day there is a huge disconnect between Feminists in Western Nations and Feminists in Islamic Nations.  Women in Iran are lashed & imprisoned for refusing to dress according to Islamic codes.  Women in Saudi Arabia are likewise imprisoned for demanding the right to drive or to go outside without a male escort.  Women in other nations like Yemen, Saudi Arabia, & Egypt are also fighting against force marriage and Female Genital Mutilation and yet most Western Feminists don't stand alongside these women.  Many don't do so because they fear of being accused of promoting ethnocentrism & racism.

"Feminist" Code Pink Members Meeting Iran's Foreign Minister

Instead of standing side-by-side with these women who oppose repressive Sharia Laws, many Western Leftists are instead coddling to this repression.  Such examples are that of the 2019 swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated which showed a woman in a Burkini and so-called "Feminists" donning hijabs at the Woman's March.  They don't voice support for Iranian women who risk prison to remove their hijabs, but cheer when Nike puts their Swoosh logo on hijabs.  Yasmine cites this as the "bigotry of low expectations," and that this bigotry must stop.  Feminists must learn to understand that all women bruise and that cultures are not sacred.  They are dynamic and are meant to be changed with human progress.  This disconnect is devastating and it must end.  We need to be standing with those who oppose the repression of Sharia, not belittling & smearing them.  

These "Useful Idiots" in the West who scream "Islamophobia" are in truth inviting Islam's repressive blasphemy laws that are common throughout Islamic nations into our own society.  In truth, history is repeating itself.  Groups like "Queers for Palestine" & "Strippers for Gaza" fail to grasp the reality that if Hamas obtains power, people like them would be executed.  In truth, history is repeating itself.  In 1979 the Islamists of Iran joined forces with the Socialist Leftists to oust the Shah.  However, once the Islamists had the power, they immediately turned on the Socialists, locking thousands of them away and in many cases, executing them.  Hamas, ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, they're all following the same idea, they simply disagree on the best method to implement it.  Some chose outright violence, and others chose to take over through immigration/infiltration.  Those who chose the Immigrate/Infiltrate path are using our own secular laws against us, and using the "Islamophobia" card to stifle free speech and crush any and all dissent.  Yasmine, along with many others are insisting that we must wake up and oppose this movement, before it's too late.  


Mohammed, Yasmine.  Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam.  Identifiers: Canadiana, 2019.  


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