Anti-Christian Pogrom Breaks out in Minya Governate of Egypt

On Tuesday, April 23rd at 11pm, Islamic extremists attacked and burned down several Coptic Christian shops & homes in the village of Al-Fawakher located in the Minya Governate of Egypt.  During the attack, the Islamist arsonists tried to prevent the Christian residents from escaping their burning homes, but the authorities arrived in time to drive the attackers away and ensure that there were no fatalities in the attack.  

Presently the village is home to over 3000 Coptic Christians.  The residents recently received a permit from the Egyptian authorities to build a church.  Coptic Christians who were associated with the project soon began receiving threats from local Islamic extremists in the area.  Though Minya Archbishop Abna Makarios alerted the authorities of the threats, they failed to take any action until the arson attack.  Sadly, this kind of danger is normal for the Coptic Christians of Egypt.  The last view years witnessed Jihadists gunmen attacking Coptic Christian pilgrims on buses and blowing up churches across the country. Archbishop Makarios himself narrowly survived an assassination attempt 10 years ago.  

Despite the ongoing attacks and persecution, Coptic Christians in the country rarely respond to the attacks with hostility.  They instead follow the teaching of Jesus to forgive their enemies and seek to live in peace with their Muslim neighbors.  One of the sad truths about this attack is that the majority in the West have not heard about it.  It was not covered by mainstream news networks such as CNN, the BBC, or CBS.  Why is this?  The reason is that the powers that be don't want to West to know about the prejudice and persecution that non-Muslims face in Muslim-majority nations.  They instead want to focus on "Islamophobia" and Israel's "unjustified responses to the Oct. 7th massacre."  They don't want to world to realize that in nations where Islam dominates, there is no equality, no justice for non-Muslims, and Muslims who actually try and step forward to fight this injustice are often assassinated (Link to Video).  


Barillas, Martin.  "Arsonists Burn Down Homes of Egypt's Beleaguered Christians."  Catholic News Agency.  April 24th, 2024.  Accessed from

"Islamic Extremists Set Fire to Homes in Southern Egypt."  April 24th, 2024.  Accessed from

Klama, R.B.  "Egypt Christians Attacked By Islamic Extremists."  Mission Network News.  April 30th, 2024.  Accessed from

"Muslim Extremists Burn Down Christians' in Village in Southern Egypt."  Catholic Vote.  April 26th, 2024.  Accessed from


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