UNRWA Employing Anti-Semitic School Teachers

In a recent report released by UN Watch, the NGO group reported that the UN agency in charge of handling the Palestinian Refugee issue, the UNRWA, is actively hiring anti-Semitic school teachers to work in their established schools in Jordan, Lebanon, and the Palestinian Territories ( Link to Video) . These employees are openly calling for the "murder of Zionists" on Social media. The UNRWA receives hundreds of millions of dollars each year, much of it coming from Western nations, including our own. So our tax dollars is being used to fund the teaching of anti-Semitism and the promotion of terrorism. The reality is that UNRWA is not dedicated to helping Arabs who are identified as "Palestinian refugees" nor are they dedicated to peace. They are dedicated to undoing the establishment of the state of Israel, which was done in 1948 ( Link to Article ). UNRWA has made no attempt to help these Arabs become citizens within the respective Arab nations ...