Jihadists Attack Christmas Services in Nigeria & Philippines
Across the world, many people celebrated the Christmas holiday, viewed as one of the most important holidays in the Christian faith. Yet while much of the world celebrated, others would be mourning loved ones murdered in terrorist attacks. On Dec. 03rd, 2023, ISIS militants bombed a Catholic Advent service in the gymnasium of Mindanao State University in the Southern-Philippine City of Marawi. The blast, caused by a grenade or IED thrown into the assembly of worshippers killed four people and wounded an additional 42 ( Link to Video ). Some suspect that this was in response to the Filipino military successfully carrying out an operation that eliminated 11 ISIS militants the previous week. This region is no stranger to this kind of violence. In May of 2017 a battle erupted in Marawi after ISIS militants seized control of portions of the city. After a five-month battle, the Philippine Army finally defeated the ISIS terrorists and regained co...