
Showing posts from May, 2021

Israel Desires Peace: Hamas Wants War

This is a reality that is escaping many people.  Too many have been led to believe that Israel is a "greedy imperialist power" that has unjustly colonized "Palestinian Territory."  The fact is that nothing can be further from the truth.  The truth is that Israel has made repeated overtures for Peace.  Ever since their victory in the 6-Day War of 1967, Israel has made repeated overtures for peace.  After the 6-Day War, Israel not only returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, but they actually improved the region by building hotels and oil industries that they gave to the Egyptians after they left.  Israel repeatedly offered Golan back to Syria in exchange for peace, Syria of course constantly refused.  Moreover, Israel is the only nation in the world that offered any land to create Palestinian-Arab state, yet once again, every peace offer was refused.  However, the truth is, you don't even need to look at these facts to realize the truth, you need only to look at t

Palestinian Jihadists Attack Home of Mufti Abu Layth

Video of Attack on Layth's Home The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a very divisive issue that has aroused passions all over the world.  However, in many cases, these passions are going way too far.  During the recent conflict we have seen a rise in Anti-Semitic attacks all over the world with radical Palestinian supporters attacking and beating Jews in the streets of America & Europe while Islamist leaders openly calling for Israel's annihilation.  However, they are not stopping with this.  In a shocking video, radical Pro-Palestinian Jihadists are seen attacking the home of Mufti Abu Layth's in Birmingham, England, simply because Abu Layth did not agree with their radical agenda.   Mufti Abu Layth identifies himself as a "Progressive Muslim," who wishes for the Islamic faith to be brought into the modern day and openly criticizes other Islamic theologians who he feels are "stuck in the 7th century."  Abu Layth has openly criticized more radic

Pakistan National Assembly Member calls for Nuclear Jihad against Israel

I n a recent video, Pakistani National Assembly Representative Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali was seen on the floor of the National Assembly on May 17th, openly calling for Pakistan to use its nuclear weapons arsenal against Israel.  In a fiery speech ( Link to Video ), Chitrali demanded that the leaders of their nation declare a Jihad against Israel.  He stated that their nations had long-range missiles, fighter jets, and atom bombs at their disposable, and demands that Pakistan use them in this Jihad.  Chitrali further called on Pakistan to not only used these weapons against Israel, but to utilize them to help "liberate" Kashmir, the region that has been disputed between India and Pakistan ever since their nations were Partitioned in 1947.   As his speech went on, Chitrali stated that the only way to resolve the Israel and Kashmir issue was through Jihad.  He insisted that "The Path of Allah is the Path of Jihad," and that there is no other option.  Interestingly e

Anti-Semitic Attacks Sweep Across the U.S.

The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas has led to a rise in anti-Semitic attacks all across the United States.  In Los Angeles, there was an attack caught on video of a group of Pro-Palestinian protestors driving by and yelling insults at Jews who were dining outside at a sushi restaurant.  The antagonists screamed "Death to Jews" & "Free Palestine" and soon began throwing bottles and other items at the patrons.  Soon afterward, several of the assailants got out of the car and physically attacked several Jews.  In another unrelated incident, a video caught another assailant in his car attempting to run down a Jewish man.    Waseem Awawdeh: In the Center Holding Crutch Unfortunately, these attacks were not limited to Los Angeles.  In New York City, a gang of Pro-Palestinian protestors attacked and brutally beat Joseph Borgen, a 29-year-old Orthodox Jew ( Link to Joseph's Testimony ).  The incident caught on video showed Joseph being brutally beaten with

Being Pro-Israel Doesn't Mean Being Anti-Arab

The Israeli-Arab conflicts is one of the longest-spanning conflicts in our world, and there seems to be no end in sight.  Many in the world, myself included, have often asked "  Why can't a compromise be reached between the two sides?  What is it that is driving this ongoing war?  Which side is in the right and which is in the wrong?  Is the Two-State Solution a lasting Solution?  These are all good questions.  Perhaps one big question that is asked is "Can you support one side without hating the other?"  Views on all of these questions are often varied, and in many cases, people on various sides of the issue have had their views altered by a number of events and revelations.  I myself was one such person who change their views on some of the issues, but maintained their belief in in regards to others.   For many years, I was on what one may call the "Pro-Palestinian Side."  I long advocated for the Two-State Solution.  I believed that the origin of the con

The Truth Does Not Fear Lies: But Lies Fear the Truth

The Arrest of Polish-Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski should serve as a real eye-opener here in the West.  Why was this man arrested?  For what?  Officials try and tell us that he was breaking "Breaking Public Health Orders" during this global pandemic.  However, that hasn't stopped massive protests and rioting across the United States and other nations for the past year.  It seems odd that massive, often violent protests are allowed to occur unhindered, but faith gatherings are being strongly restricted.  In a recent interview ( Link to Interview ), Artur Pawlowski testified how he endured the repression and lies of the Eastern Communist Bloc and stated that in the West we are now being infiltrated by these same lies.  He stated that as it was in Eastern European Communism, their rights are being gradually taken away in the face of tyranny.   In many cases, Tyranny does not come overnight.  In gradually asserts itself.  Those who ultimately become tyrants often do so thro

The Victims that the Western Feminists Ignore

This girl's name is Mazieh, a native of Iran.  Six years ago she was driving in her car when two men on a motorcycle came by and threw acid in her face.  Her assailants were never caught by the police, despite the fact that the street was surveyed by video cameras.  Sadly, this kind of attack is not at all uncommon in Iran.  Many Iranians believe that these kinds of attacks are carried out in conjunction with local police in order to discourage women from adopting a more liberal way of dressing and seeking to pursue advancement in a society that greatly represses women and seeks to block all push for female liberation and equality.   According to the 2020 Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum, Iran currently ranks at Number 148 out of 153 nations in terms of Gender equality.  When Ayatollah Khomeini, seized power in Iran, he took the entire Iranian society was taken back 1400 years.  Iran’s secular laws were swiftly replaced by Islamic theocracy laws the mandated com

Terrorist Attack on the Sayed Al-Shuhada School in Kabul

On May 8th, 2021, a vicious attack was carried out on the Sayed Al-Shuhada school in the Dashte Barchi district of Afghanistan's capital city of Kabul.  The Dashte Barchi district is primarily inhabited by Hazaras, an ethnic minority in Afghanistan.  This community has been targeted by terrorist groups in the past, mainly due to their opposition to the rule of the Taliban and that they're primarily Shiite Muslims.  This attack on the Hazaras is the latest in a series of vicious attacks over the last few years.  Attacks that have targeted schools, tutoring centers, even maternity wards.  This vicious attack claimed the lives of 85 people and wounded 147 more.  The majority of the victims were young, school-age girls, ranging from ages 11-15. Funeral for the Victims of the Sayed Al-Shuhada School Bombing The attack shows that it was a carefully coordinated attack.  A car bomb was parked near the school which teaches in three shifts: the first and third for boys, and the second fo

Booker T. Washington and the Race Grievance Industry

Booker T. Washington was born as a slave in Virginia, but after the Civil War would grow to become one of the most influential African-American leaders in the United States.  During the course of his lifetime, he favored a focus improving the education and economic development of the African-American community.  Though he feared directly challenging the infamous "Jim Crow Laws" of the South, he nevertheless did support numerous court cases that challenged segregation and voting restrictions.  However, during the course of his career, Book T. Washington also noticed another trend within the African American Equal Rights Movement, and that trend was the practice of trying to make money out of the movement for Equal Rights. In a speech, Booker T. Washington stated that "There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro Race before the public.  They don’t want the Negro to lose his grievances beca