Israel Desires Peace: Hamas Wants War

This is a reality that is escaping many people. Too many have been led to believe that Israel is a "greedy imperialist power" that has unjustly colonized "Palestinian Territory." The fact is that nothing can be further from the truth. The truth is that Israel has made repeated overtures for Peace. Ever since their victory in the 6-Day War of 1967, Israel has made repeated overtures for peace. After the 6-Day War, Israel not only returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, but they actually improved the region by building hotels and oil industries that they gave to the Egyptians after they left. Israel repeatedly offered Golan back to Syria in exchange for peace, Syria of course constantly refused. Moreover, Israel is the only nation in the world that offered any land to create Palestinian-Arab state, yet once again, every peace offer was refused. However, the truth is, you don't even need to look at these facts to realize the truth, you need on...