Is Questioning & Criticizing Ideas Hate Speech?

In our politically correct society, many people are asking whether or not there need to be limits to free speech. If we need to simply outlaw hate speech altogether and make it a criminal offense. However, many seem to misunderstand the concept of free speech. Now obviously there have to be some limits on what we say in our society. For instance, we cannot threaten to kill people or physically harm them. This includes making bomb threats or shooting threats. We cannot yell fire in a crowded building when there is no fire. However, our First Amendment Rights permit us to question and criticize any individual or ideology in the world, whether it is societal, political, or spiritual. Let us consider some examples. In our nation, we have the right to criticize the views and policies of political leaders, whether they're governors, congressmen, or the President. We likewise have the right to criticize the views and actions o...