ADF's Jihad Against the Christians of the Congo

Musa Baluku: ADF Leader
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a large but unstable nation in the middle of Africa.  The region is home to over 100 million people along with over 100 militant groups, among these groups is the Allied Democratic Front (ADF).  Founded in 1995, the group, like many other militants, began launching their insurgency within the country.  However, as the years passed, the group gradually embraced the Jihadist mentality until a large faction of the ADF united under the leadership who Musa Baluku, who would pledge his allegiance to ISIS in 2018 and begin launching widespread attacks the following year.  

Eight-Year Old "Divine Grace"
Survives ADF Attack
Since this time period, Musa Baluku's faction of the ADF has launched a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Christians and all other non-Islamic religions in the North-Eastern region of the Congo.  Despite the fact that the Congo is over 95% Christian and only 1.5% Muslim, this has not dissuaded the ADF from their goal.  Raids against Christians and other non-Muslims by the ADF have been ongoing.  In August of 2022, the ADF attacked several villages, killing the men and targeting the young women for abduction.  Luce Ibara, one of the survivors of the raid, testified that two of her daughters: age 12 & 18, were kidnapped during that attack.  She hasn't heard form them since.  Churches were deliberately singled out for destruction with survivors testifying that the village church was deliberately burned down.  One eight-year-old girl, dubbed by the villagers as "Divine Grace," miraculously survived the fire.  However, she was burned over half of her body and and even more tragically, she lost both of her parents in the blaze, leaving her an orphan.  

The attacks did not with this.  In early 2023, the ADF launched a campaign against a Pygmy village in the eastern DRC.  One couple, Moses & Marie Bayaga, lost five of their sons to the ADF as a result of this attack.  Survivors testified that the ADF attacked them with guns, knives, & machetes.  Many of the survivors fled to IDP camps where they have tried to rebuild their lives and cope with the trauma of losing their loved ones to the ADF.  Much like ISIS, the ADF shows no restraint in their attacks.  They kill men, women, & children without distinction.  Churches & hospitals are deliberately burned down.  Women are taken away as sex slaves, and the slaughter shows no signs of ending.  The fact that the Congo is predominantly Christian and Islam a small minority does not prevent Jihadist groups from arising.  It clearly shows that Jihad is a threat anywhere in the world, and it is an evil that cannot be ignored.  


"2021 Report on International Religious Freedom: Democratic Republic of the Congo."  U.S. Department of State.  2021.  Accessed from

Candland, Tara et al.  "The Islamic State in Congo."  Program on Extremism: The George Washington University.  March 2021.  Accessed from

"The Joy of Those Who Have Lost."  Voice of the Martyrs.  July 2024.


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