Pakistani Teenager Murders 55-year-old Shiite Muslim

The infamous "Blasphemy Accusation" has claimed the life of another innocent victim in the country of Pakistan.  On Monday June 24th, a 14-year-old Pakistan Sunni murdered 55-year-old Pakistani Nazir Hussain Shah, a Shiite Muslim who resided in the town of Kunjah in the Gujrat District of Pakistan.  The murder was motivated by a blasphemy accusation when the victim made remarks denouncing Muhammad's close companions: name the companions who would become the 1st Caliph (Abu Bakr), the 2nd Caliph (Umar), and the 3rd Caliph (Uthman).  Ali, who became the 4th Caliph, faced opposition from rebel groups led by individuals who remained loyal to Uthman, ultimately leading to the Battle of the Camel in 656.  Shiite Muslims believe that Ali should have been made Caliph from the offset of Muhammad's death and thus often ridicule the previous three Caliphs and their companions.  Sunnis view this ridicule as blasphemy as they feel these were "rightly guided Caliphs."  

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Investigators revealed that the murdering youth was a minor seminary student and hewas influenced by his uncle and father (who serves as a Mawlawi at a nearby Sunni Mosque), to carry out the attack.  The tactic of recruiting youth to carry out Jihadist attacks has been a tactic used by Jihadists for many decades.  Not only are the youth easily influenced & radicalized, but even if they are caught, the authorities often don't punish youthful criminals as harshly has adult ones.  This can help enable the youthful Jihadists to avoid the death penalty and could even enable them to avoid serving a lengthy prison sentence.  

This latest murder further demonstrates the ongoing problem that Pakistan his having with "Blasphemy Accusations."  The month of June witnessed a number of Pakistanis, Muslim & non-Muslim like, being beaten, even killed by individuals or mobs after being accused of blasphemy.  Non-Muslims and Muslims of a minority sect are often the victims of these attacks with Pakistan's Defense Minister Khwaja Asif admitting that no minority group is safe in the country and that these ongoing murders over blasphemy accusations are becoming a national embarrassment to the country.

Khwaja Asif's statement has been echoed by others, including the USCIRF, which released a statement in 2023 that "Religious Minorities were subject to frequent attacks & threats, including accusations of blasphemy, targeted killings, lynching, mob violence, forced conversion, sexual assault on women, & desecration of houses of worship as well as cemeteries."  


"Pakistan: Teenager Kills 55-Year-Old Shia Man Over 'Blasphemy' Against Prophet Muhammad; Second Murder in Four Days."  OPIndia.  June 24, 2024.  Accessed from 


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