Al-Shabab Car Bombing Attack in Mogadishu

On July 14th 2024, a car bomb exploded at the Top Coffee shop in Somalia's capital city of Mogadishu.  At that time, crowds of Somalis had gathered at a coffee bar to watch a Euro 24 soccer match between Spain and England.  That at 10:28pm, a car bomb outside the shop exploded without warning.  Thus far nine people are confirmed dead and at least twenty more wounded.  The Jihadist terrorist group al-Shabab took credit for the attack.  

Top Coffee Car Bombing

Though Al-Shabab had been carrying out bombings & shootings across the country in an attempt to topple the government & seize control for the past 17 years, there had been a period of relative quiet for the past few months, so this attack took many by surprise.  Despite the recent lull, Jihadist violence is considered the norm within the country with the Somali government led by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has declared "total war" on the Jihadist factions & is conducting ongoing campaigns backed by U.S. airstrikes against Jihadist groups like al-Qaeda  & al-Shabab, which control large areas in the central & southern regions of the country.  This attack shows once again that no nation in the world is safe from Jihad, not even nations where over 99% of the population adheres to the Islamic faith.  In a recent video, Jihadist critics made mention that a Somali Christian couple made mention that these chaotic terrorist attacks are a deliberate attempt by Jihadists to impose a Sharia based Caliphate on the world (Link to Video).  It's a their way of saying "Sharia or Chaos," "Caliphate or Death."  

Garissa University College Massacre
This "Caliphate or Death" mentality is why Al-Shabab's goals do not stop with taking over Somalia.  For years the Jihadists group has launched raids into neighboring Uganda & Kenya, often targeting Christians for mass murder.  Thousands have been murdered in these terrorist attacks, one of the most notorious being the attack by al-Shabab on Garissa University College in which 148 people were killed.  It clearly illustrates that the Jihadist ambition does not stop wat borders.  To them, they are nothing more than lines in the dirt.  They want the whole world under their domain, a global Caliphate, & they're willing to kill anyone who they view is in the way of this goal, or die trying.  


Aden, Ibrahim & Basillioh Rukanga.  "Car Bomb Kills Somalis Watching Euro Football Final."  BBC.  July 15th, 2024.  Accessed from

"Al-Shabab in East Africa: 2004-2022."  Council on Foreign Relations.  2024.  Accessed from

Faruk,  Omar.  "At Least Five Killed in Bombing Targeting Busy Café in the Somali Capital, Police Say."  Associated Press.  July 14th, 2024.  Accessed from


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